Chapter 5

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(AN Can we all just take a minute to appreciate the new cover that the wonderful leichter made for me. I love it! Thank you so much)

"Almost ready?" Carl asked.

"Just about, but I need some help with my necklace." I said.

"Hey this is the necklace that I got you for your birthday last year." he pointed out.

"Yes it is. It's my favorite one." I told him.

"How come you never wear it?" he asked.

"Maybe it's because my job requires physical work. And it's not everyday I go to something where I would need to wear a diamond necklace." I said.

"That's true. Okay let's go down." he said after locking the door behind him, and then wrapped one arm around my waist.

When we got into the elevator we started making out.

"Carl not in here." I said.

"There is like no one in the building we're fine." he assures me.


There are 20 floors in my apartment building, and I'm on the 16. The elevator stopped, but we must not have noticed because the next thing I know I see an old man standing next to me.

"Carl." I whispered.

Both of our faces were tomato red in the reflection of the mirror in the elevator.

"We are so very sorry." Carl said to the old man.

"Ah, it's quiet all right. I was once in love, but she died three years ago. We were married for 53 years, and I cherished every moment with her. You should cherish every moment and make many memories together. Don't let this one go." he told Carl. "She's definitely a keeper."

"That she is." Carl said and kissed me on my cheek.

"Well it was nice meeting both of you. Hope to see you again sometime." he said getting off at the lobby as did we.

"Have a goodnight sir." I said before getting into the limo out front.

"He was very nice." Carl said.

"Yep, and gave some pretty good advice." I smiled.

"That he did." Carl said wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm so excited for tonight." I said snuggling into Carl's chest.

"Me too." he said.

And I heard him say under his breath, "you have no idea."

"What was that?" I asked.

"Hmm I didn't say anything." he said, and I shrugged it off.

We arrived at The Mansion Restaurant, and we were taken down this hallway that at the end of the hallway was a little room for two.

"Here are your menus I will be back in a little while to take your order, but for now is there anything I can get you to drink?" our waitress asked.

"I'll have a martini." Carl said.

"And I'll have a Manhattan on the rocks please." I said.

"Those will be right out." she said and walked away.

"You're drinking tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah why not. It's not everyday you get to come to this nice of a restaurant." I told him.

"Don't you have to work really early tomorrow morning?" he asked.

"Yes that's why I'm only getting one drink."


The bartender came over with our drinks and our waitress came back to get our orders.

"I'm going to have the Maine lobster." I said.

"And I'll have the New York strip." he told her.

When she left Carl asked me, "Do you want to spend the night here in one of the rooms?"

The restaurant is inside the Rosewood Mansion, which is a hotel.

"But I have work tomorrow." I said.

"Yes I know that's why you should call your boss." Carl said.

He was acting so weird tonight. I have no clue what's up with him.

"Carl I am not going to ask my boss for the day off tomorrow. I just started and I don't want to make a bad impression." I told him.

"Okay then." he said taking my clutch and took my phone.

"Carl stop it!" I said trying to get the phone out of his hands.

"Hey Mr. Nill, Lilly doesn't believe that you got her the morning off tomorrow." Carl said putting the phone on speaker.

"Mr. Nill I really don't need the morning off." I told him glaring at Carl.

"Trust me you will want to." he said.

"Well okay. Thanks you, goodnight sir." I said hanging up the phone.

"See I told you, you should call you boss." Carl smirked.

"You are up to something, aren't you." I said.

"Maybe." he smiled.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's a surprise."

"Ugh I hate you.' I said.

"But you love me." he said and kissed my cheek.

"That I can't deny." I blushed.

Our food came and we both devoured it, because we haven't really eaten that much today.

"That hit the spot." he said relaxing back in his chair.


We paid for our food and Carl took me outside to the terrace and sat in front of the fire place.

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