Chapter 14

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Ever since Carl was traded to Pittsburgh he's been ignoring me. I'd call him multiple times a day and he wouldn't answer. His bad attitude towards me has been effecting my attitude towards the team. This whole situation has really got me down.

Today was a training day for the team so we'd just be in the gym. For the most part no one really needed any help, but when it was time to do the team workout I wasn't in the mood.

"Hey what's wrong?" Antoine asked.

"Just my pain in the ass fiancé." I sighed.

"Just ignore him like he's been ignoring you and see how he likes it." He suggested.

"I don't think that Carl would even care if I stopped calling and texting him. Ever since he was traded he's been a complete jerk. Like I know he loved it in New York but he needs to grow up. There are thousands of kids that wish that could play in the NHL and he's taking it for granted." I said getting frustrated.

"Maybe you should tell him that." Antoine said.

"You're right I should." I said. "But first lets do some kick boxing I really need to get some anger out."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Line up everyone we're going to do some kickboxing." I said getting them in formation.

After a good 30 minutes of kickboxing it was time to stretch because it was almost time for them to hit the showers.

"How the hell are you that flexible?" Hoedown asked.

"Well back in high school believe or not I used to cheer." I said a little but embarrassed.

"No fucking way!" Tyler stated laughing.

"Yep I did." I told them.

"And you played hockey too?" Cody asked.

"Yeah somehow I found time."

"Breaking the standard right there." Jason said.

"I'm glad I quit though to focus on hockey because then I probably wouldn't have been on the USA team." I explained.

"When's training camp?" Kari asked.

"Next week so I will not be here to help you guys but I'm sure my assistant can help." I said.

"Well I wish you the best of luck and I really hope that you make it for the Olympic team again." Jamie said.

"Yeah then we'll get to watch you kick our team's ass." Tyler said.

"Oh we will definitely kick their asses." I laughed. "Alright boys go hit the showers."

There was still time to kill so I got my skates from my office and took to the ice. After a while all my shots were off and I was missing a lot.

"What the fuck!!!!" I yelled throwing my stick at the glass and it broke in half.

Everything that's been happening with Carl and I just came crashing down on me and I lost it. I collapsed on the ice in a fit of tears. In this instance I knew my relationship with Carl wasn't going to last and it broke my heart, but it was the truth. He couldn't trust me here with these guys and sometimes I felt like he was the one that was going to cheat on me. But I was the one to cheat on him first.

"Lilly?" I heard someone call for me.

"I'm fine." I cried trying to clean myself up.

"You don't seem fine." I looked up to see it was Tyler.

"Go away please." I said getting off the ice, pushed past him, and went quickly to my office.

It seems like too many times in the past months that I've cried over Carl.

"Lilly open up please." Tyler said knocking on my door.

"No." I said.

A few minutes pass on Tyler opens my office door.

"They have keys for a reason." He joked.

"I think it's over between me and Carl." I cried.

"You guys can work it out I'm sure." Tyler said.

"I really don't think we can." I said.

"How about you go up to Pittsburgh tomorrow to surprise him. I know they are playing tomorrow in Pittsburgh and we have the day off tomorrow." Tyler suggested.

"Yeah I think it'll be good to see him and try to fix things, but I doubt he'll still want to be engaged to me after I visit him." I finally came to terms that there probably won't be a future for me and Carl.

"Don't say that you never know." He gave me a weak smile.

"I guess."

"You should probably go buy a plane ticket right now. What are you doing sitting here get going girl!" Tyler joked.

He always knows how to make me laugh and feel better.

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