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Blood curling screams could be heard from the basement of the Port mafia base. However, the port mafia was empty today. No one was at the Port mafia base. Their recently new boss, Mori Ogai, gave them an off day. He needed to find new recruits anyway...From the slums, orphanage or even kidnapping one. Mori won't stop at anything. He will find as many ability users he can find and recruit them. He wanted Port mafia to be the strongest organisation in Yokohama and after that, the whole of Japan. Mori found a new member recently. He was 13 years old.

Name: Dazai Osamu

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Ability: No Longer Human

Description: With one touch, he can nullify any ability.

Other information: Was from XXX orphanage. Parents were assassinated. No other siblings. 

When Mori found out about his ability, he immediately 'adopted' him. He will make this boy a strong member. He also found out that Dazai had an IQ level above 200, which makes him a prodigy. It seems that he can make plans as well and surprise their enemy, which is also a good factor. Mori was utterly thrilled to have found a smart and strong member for the Port mafia. However, the bad point was that this boy wasn't fit for the mafia. He was shy and feeble. Mori suspected that the orphanage didn't feed the children there properly. He was malnourished as well when he first entered the mafia. 

Mori treated him well for the first few weeks and Dazai did get healthier. When that happened, Mori started the torture. Exercise was an understatement, your normal Physical Education lessons of 5 rounds around the track was counted as small to Dazai. Mori had him to fight against his gift, Elise, everyday for a few hours. Those few hours were dreadful. 

At the end of the session, Dazai would either be on the floor, coughing out blood and vomiting or at the verge of death because he was bleeding out. Forunately or Unfortunately, Mori was a doctor, so he helped patch Dazai up after every session and then the training continued...It was actual hell there. Dazai hated Mori as well anyway, but he was smart so he followed Mori's every rule.

Doubling over in pain and coughing rather violently, Dazai got up shakily and used his hands to support himself as he got off the ground. Mori didn't even wait for him to get ready and sent Elise right at him. Of course, Dazai took the easy way out and nullified Mori's ability but by the time Elise disappeared, Mori was in front of Dazai and kicked him right in the stomach. Dazai grunted in pain but tried to keep it silent. 

"Too slow, you got to be faster." Mori hissed to Dazai who was once again on the floor. 

"Again!" Mori announced before plunging towards the brunette. 

Dazai has been training like this for a few weeks already. He was analysing Mori's moves and patterns of fighting so that he could defend and hit back. It actually worked but he was too slow. Mori had the advantage because he was fast. 

Mori swung a kick towards Dazai who predicted that and blocked that kick. Blocked a punch then  another left kick and then a knee. Mori was actually surprised that Dazai had blocked most of his attacks and smirked. But at that same time when he was about to give a punch, Dazai grabbed his arm and swung his knife. Mori was shocked at that surprise attack and leaned back, the knife was so close to his neck. With that sudden pull, Mori stumbled backwards.

 Dazai took the chance and gave Mori a side kick and swung his knife down. Mori caught the knife in his hand which made his hand bleed. Dazai continued to push the knife down but he was already shaking. Mori winced in pain at the new wound he had. Blood trickled down to the floor and stained the once yellow carpet. 

But after a few more seconds, Dazai knocked out and fell onto Mori, must have been from exhaustion. Mori sighed as the knife dropped to the ground. He carried Dazai onto his back and took his knife.

"Mori san....Aren't you being too harsh with the kid?"

 A sudden voice made Mori turn around and put up his fake smile. 

"Why are you still here? Kouyou?" 

Kouyou walked up to Mori and the injured boy on his back. She looked at Dazai's dark eye circles and concern was plastered all over her face. Kouyou was the port mafia's mother figure so it wasn't any surprise that she cared for each and every member. 

"This boy isn't getting enough sleep..." she continued while looking at Mori. 

"Without being harsh, this boy will never be fit for mafia..." with that, Mori left to the medical room with Kouyou sighing deeply.

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