42. Distractions from the Shouting

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When Ella saw the progress that her friends were making on the outside she started to feel better about the whole situation. Sure, she was trapped but the people she cares most about were actively trying to get her out. The brunette would never be able to explain the numb and the absolute dread that settled in her bones when the loud metallic screaming alerted her to the fact that something has happened. She rushed over to the monitor and her breath hitched when she witnessed the Doctor protecting the wedding goers and getting devoured himself. She shook her head in denial and backed up, giving in to her panic and no mental prodding from the Tardis was enough to get her out of her thoughts which have now become frighteningly deafening.

Desperately wanting to escape the mountainous waves of panic crashing into her, Ella did the only thing she knows how to do. She ran. The brunette bolted from the control room, she had no idea where she was going, she just ran and ran until she tired herself out. Finally, when she stopped to catch her breath she looked up and recognized the door she ended up in front of. Hesitantly, she entered the room that belonged to the Doctor.

Having never actually stepped inside the room she felt like she was invading, but the image of the Doctor getting devoured by the Reapers was still on her mind. Studying the walls of the room that were littered with pictures, pictures of people she didn't recognize, pictures of his past faces. When she reached a part of the wall where her picture was posted she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. A smile that disappeared when she reached Rose's picture, instantly tears gathered in her eyes as she looked at that wide smile that she might never see again. Ella didn't think she just threw herself on the Doctor’s bed because the crushing feeling in her heart made her cry out in frustration, the answering disembodied shouting tore her soul apart.

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When the Doctor and Rose made it back into the Tardis they were expecting to be met with an annoyed or possibly happy Ella but what they got was the exact opposite. They weren’t met with her at all, debris was scattered everywhere but no sign of the brunette. The Doctor walked up to the console and was quickly sent some images from the ship of what happened while Ella and the Tardis were nowhere. “The Tardis was keeping Ella up to date about what we were doing out there and she must have run off when things outside got complicated.”

“So, where is she now,” Rose voiced as she tried in vain to clean up around the control room but quickly moved on.

“I’m not sure but she couldn’t have gone far,” with that sorted out the two began their search. Not too long into it the Doctor found her in his bedroom, sleeping. “Rose!” he called out. The blonde came running from somewhere behind him. The two didn’t know what to do now, Rose tentatively moved closer to the sleeping brunette and saw the dried tears on her cheeks.

“She must have been devastated,” the blonde mumbled as she silently crawled into the bed. The Doctor wasn’t sure what to make of the situation but slowly moved behind Ella and as best as he could wrapped both of the humans into his arms.

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“I don’t think this is a good idea, El.” The Doctor grumbled as he slowly put in coordinates for the distress call, they received shortly after they woke up from their nap, “we barely survived the last trip.”

“Okay. Let’s do it anyway,” Ella moved toward the doors, turned and saw the expressions she was given, “don’t look at me like that. You guys fought temporal monsters; I was stuck in a box all day and besides isn’t moving on to the next thing kind of our thing, now, let's go! We’re losing daylight my loves.” Ella sprinted out of the Tardis and was now looking at the wrecked ship they landed on.

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