Chapter Ten

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"Come on, Rach! Who was he? Because you can't tell me he filled out that shirt you skanked home in the other day."

"Oh my god, seriously, Leah? Skank? Good lord, how old are we?"

She shrugged, laughing too hard to seem to have been kidding. "Who belongs to the shirt then if not David? Cause he was hot, too, and if you aren't interested enough in him, I could be."

I made a face at her before turning for the bathroom. I was in desperate need of a shower, hoping it would help me clear my head.

"Spoil sport!" Leah whined behind me, throwing a pillow that fell just short of my heels.

Laughing until I got to the bathroom, I let my smile fall once I shut the door and turned on the water. Pushing my clothes off, I heard my phone clunk harshly onto the tiled floor.

"Oh, hell." Sighing, I bent to retrieve it and make sure the glass hadn't cracked. It had. "Shit."

The screen lit up with a new text from Caleb, illuminating the one I'd missed during the drive home as well.

I'll take your silence as you finding out what flavor he is...

Don't leave me hanging gorgeous.

"Ugh," I growled to myself, tossing my phone onto the porcelain vanity. When my phone buzzed again, I balled my hands into fists at my sides and let my head fall back onto my shoulders. I jerked it from its resting place.

I'd bet you an orgasm he hasn't lasted this long. I'd say two minutes tops.

Much to my disappointment, I smirked. I hated to admit it, but I could see that being the truth. I coughed and corrected my face, hitting the space to type a reply.

Full of yourself thinking you could even get me to come. Maybe I've always faked it with you. Joke's on you though asshole. We've been at it all night.

Three dots appeared on the screen the second I sent the retort. I held my breath.

Prove it.

My stomach dropped. Shit. What now? Think, Rach.

I looked around the empty bathroom. I'd hardly even unpacked, and it looked like a damned hotel room. With the steam of the shower running filling up the room, I bit my lip and had a stupid idea.

"Leah! Get your ass in here now."

Seconds later, she was barreling into the room with a notepad rolled up and raised above her head. "Where is it?" she screamed, looking around frantically.

"Where is what?"

She looked at me with a cocked brow, then rolled her eyes and covered them. "You didn't tell me you were butt-ass naked. Is there not a spider? Why else did you scream at me to come in here?"

I laughed and shrugged. "Nothing you haven't seen before; we've been friends for-fucking-ever. I need you to do me a favor."

"Uh, okay? What's up?"

"Get in the shower and pretend to be a dude."

She frowned over at me. "Pardon?"

"Just do it. We're making a guy jealous."

Immediately, she perked up and started shrugging out of her clothes. "Who? Why? Is he hot? Can I have a slice before things get too serious?"

"Get in the shower, Leah."

She giggled, the overly flirtatious edge to her voice at the mention of a man immediately grating on my nerves. But I had a plan in mind and needed her help for it. When she shut the frosted glass door behind her, I held my phone up for a few test shots.

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