Chapter 3.

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You were laying on your bed watching tiktoks when your mom came in excited

"Sophia, can you get ready?" 

"For what?"

"Our new neighbours are coming over for dinner"

"Yeah of course mom, i'll get ready" you said getting up from your bed

"Thank you Soph" she said leaving your room

'So i need to get ready' you thought to yourself
What to wear was the biggest question

You opened your closet and saw the black floral dress that your mom bought you three months ago

It's perfect

You put it on and it fits you now you only got to do your make up and hair

While you were doing your makeup your little brother came into your room siting on your bed

"Umm what are you doing James?" You looked at him

"Sophia, i have a problem." He said looking serious

"What kind of problem?" I asked coming closer to him

"Today at school i saw this one girl" he said and i knew what it is about

I smiled at him
"You like her?" I asked

"Yeah, she's really pretty." He said laying on my bed

"You know what? You have alot of time to get to know her better."  I said laying beside him

"Thank you Soph, i love you" he said suddenly hugging you

"I love you too Jamie" you said hugging him back

"Come on finish your makeup you look like crazy lady" he said walking out of your room

"Shut up" i said back getting to my makeup again

•some time passed•

"Sophia, James come help me set the table." Your mom said

You went downstairs to help your mom
When you finished setting the table you heard the doorbell ring

You went to open the door fixing your hair in the mirror beside the door

When you opened it you saw a little girl, her mom, her dad and... him

"Hey, you must be our new neighbours" your mom said coming to door

But your eyes were on him and he was looking back at you

Your mom let them in when you little brother came to you

As soon as he saw the little girl he smiled at you and you imidietly knew who she was

"Hey I'm Sophia. What's your name?" You asked the girl squating so you're at her eye level

"I'm Anna, it's nice to meet you" she said hugging you

"And this is James" i said introducing my brother

"Hey James!" She said hugging him and he hugged her back

I was going back on my legs and saw that he was looking at me

"This is my brother Ethan" she said coming to her brother

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sophia" you said looking at him

"Ethan" he said back still looking at you

I don't know why he was looking whole time
Maybe he was just sorry for earlier? or..

"Hey y/n come help me here" your mom cut your thinking

"Coming" you said to your mom

"Hey James why don't you show Anna your room?" You said going to kitchen

Ethan was walking behind you sitting at the table

When dinner started your parents started talking about some things that weren't interesting

James and Anna finally came back from upstairs and only two seats empty were next to you and Ethan who was in front of you

Anna sat next to you and James sat next to Ethan

Dinner was going smooth

"So Sophia, how does school look like?" His mom asked

"The school looks beautiful i can't wait to start tomorrow" you said smiling at her

"And kids there, are they all kind?" Anna's dad asked

You looked at Ethan and he looked at you with please don't kind of stare

"Yeah everyone is really kind there i really like it" you said putting your gaze back to his parents

"It's not even hard to believe that everyone is kind to you, you're really beautiful Sophia" Anna said looking at you smiling and you smiled back at her

The rest of the dinner went nicely and you and Ethan exchanged few looks but it was ok

After the dinner Ethan and his family went home and we needed to clean up with your mom

"So Ethan seems like a nice guy" your mom said

"No mom, dont even get any ideas" you said putting the plates back to cabinet

"Okay what ever you say Sophia, i'm gonna go to sleep now" she said kissing your forehead

"Okay mom, goodnight" you said putting glasses back

After you were done washing the dishes and thinking about Ethan you went to your room and shower

It was already really late and tomorrow was the first day of school so you sat by the window to read the last five pages of the book you were reading

But you couldn't concentrate because the thought of Ethan came again

I hate him! Why?! Why is he like that?!

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