Chapter 8.

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10 years later

"high school part of your life. It can be the best or the worst. In my opinion it can be mixed to. In my case it was mixed...." You were talking to a company you really wanna work for.
"Why do you think you'll be good as a worker here. What do you have that we really need?" The guy that questioned you asked. He wasn't the boss, he was sent here because boss was on a trip or something like that. You don't even know who the boss is. It doesn't say the name anywhere. Probably because this is a new firm so.

"Well i have plenty of skills." You said not really knowing what they are looking for because you would be here just fir couple of months, you are looking forward to opening your own firm one day and this was just a step closer to it.

"Tell me something about your life in high school." He said adjusting his tie. It didn't even match his shirt or trousers.

"Well when i was in my 4th year, my family got lucky and my dad got a new job. He took the opportunity because it was alot better for all of us. We moved ti a whole new country." You started and then the memory of your neighbour Ethan came back.
Not now!?

"Anyways i started this new school and it was alot. New people, new teachers, new classrooms. It wasn't like it used to be."

After some time the meeting was over. It felt like a date mire than a meeting but fine. He was really impressed and you were sure you would get the job

Two weeks later

Your phone started ringing and it was a number.
"Hello am i speaking with Sophia Dante. I'm calling for a job you wanted." The speaker started
"Yes thats me." You said surprised that they called
"We just wanted to inform you that you got it and you can start tomorrow morning. Someone will be waiting for you ti show you around the company." Friendly women on the other end said
"Thank you so much." You said not believing you got in that easy. Just talking about high school?!

"Okay that's great. See you tomorrow. Bye."

"Bye." You said quoting the phone call

Next morning

You were getting ready fir the first day of work in a company of god knows who. You were excited because you were gonna meet so many new people

You got dressed, did your makeup, your hair and took your phone, laptop and other things you might need

You came inside and was welcomed by a girl in her mid thirties. She looked so good. Blond hair, blue eyes and a really nice figure.
"Hey, you must be Sophie." She said walking to you.
"Yeah. That's me." You said
"My name is Donna. Nice to meet you." She said while you shook her hand

She was showing you around and you were actually working in offices next to each other

At the end you sat down in the cafeteria and ordered coffees
"It's really nice here." You said looking around
"Yeah it is." She said taking a sip of her coffee

"Oh yeah i almost forgot, you will be meeting the boss tomorrow. He couldn't make it to the first meeting with you, but he will meet you now." She said with a little laugh at the end

"Well that's good. Because if I'm being honest i don't even know who he is. Or his name, so.." you said smiling at her

"He likes keeping his identity from public for now, until it all settles down a little. But let me tell you, he's smoking hot." She said before adding "to bad that he's younger."

"Omg now i'm even more interested. How old is he?" You asked really interested

"I think that he's about your age, i think 29?" she said looking at you

That's perfect, if he's really that hot it's gonna be hard working for him

When you were done setting up your office and put all of the main photos of your family you went to Donna's office to say goodbye before leaving. "Hey i'm gonna go." You said walking into her office
"Okay girl. See you tomorrow. And don't forget to wear you best clothes. If i don't have a chance that doesn't mean you don't." She said winking at you
"Oh my god. Bye Donna, goodnight."
"Bye, bye Sophia. Goodnight."

On the way home in the car you couldn't help but imagine how he could look. You haven't been in a relationship since Ethan. You just couldn't help yourself from thinking everybody is just using you and that they can not be trusted so you didn't date. There's no chance you will date your boss anyways. It would just be complicated. But if he's hot there's nothing wrong with imagining how he looked. Well maybe it is, but not important.

When you cam to your apartment you grabbed something quick to eat and went to shower

After the shower you went straight to sleep because it was a really tiring day and you needed to get some good sleep to get ready fir tomorrow.

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