Chapter 6.

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Next day your parents came back and you were getting ready for school

It was amazing what you and Ethan have now and you were really happy

As you were getting dressed you looked out your window and saw Ethan with some girl

It made you mad because you didn't know who she was and she seemed to be really close to Ethan. You'll just ask him in school today

You got ready and your mom took you to school but all that you can think about is that girl

"Honey? You okay?" Your mom asked looking worried

"Yeah mom, i'm fine. Don't worry." You said giving her a smile and looking out the window

Today you wore a shirt and black flare jeans
You did a little bit of your makeup, not to much and your hair was tied in a ponytail

When you cane to school you got that strange feeling something was wrong

You were walking down the hallway going to your locker when you spotted Ethan at the end of it
You started coming closer to him and the girl suddenly came and kissed him

Wait. She kissed him?! Ethan! What was happening
That piece of shit. He lied to you. All of it was a lie. All of it.
You started to cry and before you could turn around and get out if there
He spotted you. He saw the tears going down your cheeks. And the betrayal in your eyes.

He moved her away and started walking to you, but you ran to the bathroom. You couldn't talk to him. You don't want to. He's just a lying piece of shit
And what's even worse you wore his shirt today

You wanted to disappear. How can you be so humiliated. And the whole school, whole new school saw you crying

In the bathroom you slammed the door and leaned against them
Thankfully the bathroom was empty so no one needed to look at you ugly crying

I guess he was never over with his ex

He came to the bathroom door and banged on them "So please open."

"Don't you ever even think about calling me that ever again!" You said wiping your tears with your hand

"So... you don't mean that." He said trying to calm you down
But no it made you even angrier
"I do Ethan. Get away from me. I don't wanna be near you ever again!" You said bringing your knees to your face feeling more humiliated then ever before

At that moment the bell rang and you heard Ethan leaving for class
You took of his shirt and put on your vest you had with you and just closed it
You folded the shirt and when you got outside before the first class finished so that no one would see you
You put it on his locker and went outside to catch some air and to call your mom

"Hey mom." You said as she picked up the phone

"Hey honey. Everything okay?" She asked sounding worried

"I was calling to see if you could pick me up. I'm felling really dizzy and i'm not feeling good." You said trying to hold your tears back

"Yeah honey. Okay i hear that you are not good but you will need to be there just forty  more minutes i have a meeting." Your mom said and you heard that she was busy

"Yeah okay. See you then." You said ending the call

Really? That means that i will need to be here for one more class

When you were returning back inside you were stopped by three girls
A girl he was kissing and her two minions probably

"Girls see thats the girl that thought she could steal Ethan away." Girl said and two others just laughed

"Can you just leave me alone?" You asked nicely trying to go inside but they stepped in front of the door not letting you in

"You are the one that Ethan pity fucked?" One of them said

That hurt deeply

"No..." you didn't want to fight

"Let's teach her a lesson girls." The main said taking your bag throwing it and the others hitting you with their legs. It hurt so much but nothing could hurt more than what Ethan did

The main girl opened your bag throwing all of the things out

When they leaved you started picking your thing up in tears. That bitches you looked at your arms and they were bruised

When you got inside you went to the bathroom until the bell rang
You didn't want to see Ethan

When the bell rang you wiped your makeup off since it was already ruined

When you came to class you were a little late but still made it
"I'm sorry i'm late professor."

"It's okay Sophia, take a seat." Your professor said pointing to a free seat

"And i'm gonna go earlier from the class." You added

"That's okay. Are you okay." He asked looking down at your arm

You looked down and realised that your vest wasn't covering your arm
You forgot to put the sleeve back up

You just nodded and went to take a seat

Sadly Ethan was just couple if seats away from you and his eyes were fixed on you

The class was halfway done and you said that you need to go
You packed your things and left

After you left Ethan probably asked the teacher to go to the bathroom because he caught up to you taking you arm

You winced in pain turning around

"I'm sorry So. I'm so sorry." He tried apologising

"Stop it Ethan were done. As i said I don't wanna see you ever again." You said walking away

"So please. Who did this to you?" He tried stopping you

"No Ethan. You know who. And stop calling me that." You said going outside not letting him talk to you any more

Your mom was waiting outside and she took you home
For the rest of the week you were in bed feeling sick, heartbroken, betrayed and humiliated

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