Chapter 4.

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Next morning you were getting ready for your first day of school

You got dressed, put some makeup on and now you only needed to do something with your hair

You looked out of your window and saw Ethan on front porch kinda sad

Even tho you hated him you couldn't leave him like this and you knew that his parents aren't home and neither was his sister because she left with my mom and James to school

You did something with your hear and left the house

He looked at you coming to him

"What do you want?" He snapped

"Hey I saw you from my window, you seemed a little down. Wanna talk about it?" You asked standing in front of him

"No it's nothing!"

"Come on Ethan, even tho we hate eachother you can tell me whats wrong" you said squating in front of him

"It's just... i broke up with my girlfriend" he said looking at you

"Did she do something that hurt you?" You asked

"Yes, she..."

"You don't need to explain it to me, the person you hate. But if she did something that hurt you, you did the right thing" you said getting up and leaving

You waited till bus came and you got onto it

You came at school and got a little lost so you were a little late to your first class

When you finally found it you knocked on the doir before coming inside

"I'm sorry i was late, i got a little lost" you immediately said

"It's okay, take a seat" teacher said continuing to write on the board

You looked around the class and the only empty seat was next to Ethan

As soon as you sat down someone threw paper at you

You looked around and find Ethans friends giggling
Your gaze went to Ethan and he was giggling too

I guess he got over his ex

During this lesson there were few more paper balls thrown at you but you couldn't do anything about it so you just said there

After school you were walking to bus station when you felt like someone was watching you but didn't see anyone

Suddenly someone put their arm around you and it was one of Ethans friends

"Where are you going cutie?" He asked

"Can you leave me alone?" You snapped

"Only if you'll show us what's underneath this shirt" he asked pointing at your chest

You looked around and saw Ethan just looking at you

You couldn't believe this, you were there for him and now when you need help he's just standing there

When he saw that your eyes are forming tears he came between you and the guy

"Hey come on that's enough." Ethan said trying to get him away

"Why Ethan, don't you wanna see what's underneath?" Guy said starting to remove your shirt

"Enough! I said that's enough!" Ethan snapped taking your arm and pulling you to him

Wait did Ethan just snap at his friends for you?

His friends left and he turned to you

"Sophia i'm so sorry about this" he said

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