Chapter 10.

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When you woke up the next morning you just knew today was gonna be fun. You had a meeting with your boss and some of "big people" in company.

About dressing respectfully? Yeah fuck that. You were just now putting on a short skinny dress. Which really showed your curves. You never wore it so it would be the first time.

As you are looking at yourself in the mirror you think about Ethan. Not the boss, the other Ethan. And while you're thinking about it you see how similar they are. But it can't be there's no way.

You push the thoughts away and do you makeup. You weren't really a tipe of girl to put a lot of makeup on. Just so that it covers the bad spots. But just because you were a pretty dress today you put on some red lipstick to go with it. You had freckles so they gave you the "natural contour" as many of your friends said back in your home town. You just can't help and miss them.

"I really need to pay them a visit." You said looking at the time. "Fuck.." you cursed under your breath realising that it was 8:30 am already. The meeting is at 9 am and you need to pick up coffee on your way to the office. You hurried and quickly brushed your hair and put on your heels.

As you were hurriedly walking to the office you bumped into someone, but didn't look at who it was, you just didn't have time so only thing that you could do is say "i'm really sorry."

You got to the caffè and picked up the coffee thank god you didn't need to order it because you don't know who drinks what.

You looked at the time it was 8:45 am and you still had 10 minutes of fast walking to the office. You were thirsty as hell and you couldn't find you water bottle anywhere so you just though it wouldn't hurt if you just took a sip of someones coffee. You were reading thru the starbucks labels and there was one that could be good so you just drank a little sip of that coffee.

You got to the office and hurried to the meeting room. As you got in you put the coffees on one table so that people can take their coffee as they come in. All of the people were here you just needed to wait for your boss. He came around 9:10am. Asshole. "I'm sorry I'm late let's just continue. He took his coffee and sat down. His seat was obviously next to you since you were his assistant. There was two coffees left and you hoped nobody didn't pick the one you turned off the feeling of being thirsty.

As the meeting began you looked at you boss who was looking at his cap strangely. And it would be okay if he looked at the label, but no he was looking at the leed. Fuck. It can't be. As he looked up he found you looking at the cup and then looked at your lips smirking as he took a sip. "I don't know what that was about but it can't be what I think it is." You thought. "Maybe he just found the size of his cup funny or maybe he just wanted to make fun of me." Anyways it worked because the whole meeting you were fucking thinking about that coffee.

The meeting was going smooth and it finished around 10 am. As they were all leaving you stayed behind to clean up afterwards. You boss was the last one who left and before he did that he came up to you. "Sophia, my office when you clean this up." Before you could answer he just left. What was he talking about? You pushed the thought away and just kept cleaning. You were done pretty quickly.

When you got to his office doors, firstly you took a deep breathe before knocking on them. "Come on in Sophia." He said calmly. You on the other hand just wanted for the earth to open up and swallow you right here, right now. You opened the door and before you could catch where he was, he was already starring at you from his chair. As you got closer, you watched as he looked you up and down at least three times. Oh yeah fuck. The last rule. You didn't think of that. But hello he can't tell you what you can wear or can't wear.
"Sit Sophia." He ordered in a serious tone. "Yes, sir." You said taking a seat in front of him as you heard a little chuckle from him. "What did I say yesterday?" He said looking at your eyes deeply and you just lost yourself, you couldn't function. After a minute you replied. "I don't know what you mean, sir." "Oh come on, we both know you know. The last rule Sophia. What's the last rule?" He said leaning on his desk coming closer to you. "You need to wear something respectful?" You asked looking confused. "Yeah Sophia, that's the one." He said getting up from his seat and coming to the front of his desk. He leaned on the desk his arms crossed across his chest. "Stand up Sophia." He ordered fixing his eyes again on you. You suddenly didn't feel that comfortable in the dress. You got up and stood in front of him. "As much as I like you body way to much in this dress, even more than I should you can't wear that when we have meetings." He said looking at you, as you were trying to hide a little blush that was making it's way to your cheeks. "Those men in the meeting were staring at you and I did not like it. At all." He said putting his hand down on the table grabbing on the edge of it a little to hard showing his veins get bigger.
"And second thing." He said walking up to you with the coffee cup. "Fuck! I knew there was something wrong." You thought to yourself. "As much as I like the lipstick you have today and that red colour driving me insane. I didn't want other men to see it on my coffee." He said turning the cup so you could see the lipstick stain you left on your way to work. You totally forgot you put lipstick on.

"I'm really sorry sir." You said just wanting to get away from here, because the tension was to much and you couldn't keep the distance anymore. "Come here Sophia." He obviously saw that you were getting nervous. You followed the order and came closer.

He suddenly kissed you and you didn't pull away, you just kissed him back. After a while you pulled away catching your breath. And right then you heard a knock on the door and gave a little distance between you. "Come in." He said smirking at you.
Donna came in and looked a little confused. "Boss I have the papers you asked for." She said smiling at you because you were blushing a little to hard probably. "Okay thanks Donna." He said waiting for her to leave the room. "Hey Soph, you wanna get coffee after you're done?" She asked with a grin on her face trying not to laugh. "I would love that." You said smiling at her. After she left Ethan turned to you. "So Soph?" He said chuckling. "Please stop I think this is way to wrong." You said taking a seat on the chair in front of his desk. "Why do you think that?" He said leaning on his desk again looking at you. "You're my boss Ethan." You said looking at him. "Yeah. You're kind of right." He said walking to you. "We will talk about this okay? Don't leave Donna waiting to long." He's right. Donna is waiting to hear all of it right now. Probably dying to know every little detail. You got up from the chair and walked to the door. To your surprise Ethan was walking behind you.

When you were about to reach for the door handle he pinned you to the wall beside the door and kissed you passionately making a little moan escape your mouth. "Oh fuck." He said under his breathe. "You can't do that and expect me to stay away from you." He said looking deeply in you eyes. "We'll talk about this tomorrow. Okay?" You said looking at him pretty confused. "Yeah." He said stepping aside so that you can leave. "Good bye, sir." You said opening the door so that other colleges wouldn't suspect anything.

You and Donna were walking to the caffe while she was trying to get every little information from you. "Please Soph, why were you blushing so hard?" "It was nothing Donna we were talking and you know damn well that he's a good looking guy. Even you thing that, and you're married." You said trying to change the subject. "Soph i saw how he looked at you." "Donna end of that subject." You said looking serious at her. "Alright, alright." She said opening the door for you two to get in.

You sat at the table and were ready to order. You were turned to the wall, while Donna had a full view on the whole caffe. "Theres one hot waiter coming." She said looking at his every move. "Sophia?" The waiter said looking confused at you. Right then you saw the guy you hoped you didn't see again. "Ethan? Hi." You said hugging him. "What are you doing here?" You said taking your seat again. "You know working." He said with a little laugh. "That's good." You said. You had a small conversation while Donna was just looking at you pretty confused. He gave us the coffees and that's when Donna finally spoke.
"Okay. So. You have two hot Ethans in you life. Jealous." She said mixing the sugar into her coffee. "That's the guy from high school I told you about." You said still trying to process this. It was confusing, but you were pretty glad that you boss wasn't this Ethan. "Oh the asshole?" She said finally connecting the dots. "Yeah."

You and Donna were at the cafe until like 9 pm and you came home at 9:30 pm. You were trying to process what happened today. But it was just to much so you went to take a shower.

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