Chapter 1

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Steve watched his wife - his wife!- as she typed away at the lap top, a wrinkle on her forehead, as she clicked, then frowned, and clicked again. Sometimes she would sigh, sometimes she would make a sound of amazement, other times it was a hum of satisfaction. He added garlic to the steaks he was preparing to grill, while looking at her out of the corner of his eye. The plan was to actually fire grill them over the fire pit provided by their RV camping site, while enjoying the somewhat privacy afforded to them by the spot in the park.
It hadn't really been the plan to spend their first night of their honeymoon in an amusement park/ campground, but after nearly eight hours on the road, it had been a mutual decision by the two of them to find a place to stay, if only so Brooklyn would have time to make a choice about what direction they were headed in the morning. To be fair, he had surprised her with the plans for their honeymoon, and as such, she was unprepared to tell him which direction to drive their home for the next six weeks.

The RV campsite had been advertised on billboards, almost as soon as they had hit western Pennsylvania. Brooklyn had pointed ahead of them, after they had left New Jersey, and stated she wanted to see the groundhog. While she had admitted she knew that the groundhog was no doubt NOT in his stump, she wanted to see the town and happily for Steve (who was trying to please his new bride) the town still was a tourist area, even in the summer. She made noise about taking Juliana to see the actual groundhog next Winter, until Steve pointed out that neither one of them seemed to handle the cold too well, and that maybe it was safer to just watch it on the news instead.

She had guided him, sometime around lunch time, to a truck stop gas station. He had looked at her, when he put the RV in park and turned off the engine.

Brooklyn shrugged. "I stopped here for gas in March."
He frowned, before realization smacked him upside the head.

March. When he had called her so late at night, and told her to grab Juliana and run. Run from New York, because of Ultron. He had taken another look at the truck stop, before nodding.

"I see." He said, unbuckling himself. "Well, this is a good place to grab something for lunch, then?"
"They have a lot of food." Brooklyn had nodded, pushing her seat back, while unfolding her legs. She had spent the better part of the day with her legs either tucked up under her bottom, or folded over each other. "I got that plug in cooler here."

He had nodded. The cooler she had used to keep drinks and food cool, while driving to and back from Clint's family home. It was currently in the small storage locker in the apartment building. Brooklyn had made noise about finding someone who needed it, but he had held her back, seeing it as something they could use, down the road. It would be nice to have drinks ready if they took a family jaunt. Or if it was needed to keep things cool between the grocery store and their new house. He could honestly see using it many times, in the coming years.

He pulled the keys from the ignition, and stood up, arching his back, sighing. The seats were nice. Comfortable, built for the longer haul. But they were still seats. And for a man who was used being very active during his day, sitting was not the most exciting thing to do.

Watching Brooklyn look around them, had been very entertaining. Cows fascinated her. Horses boggled her. Anything else, really, made her stare. It was a very real reminder just how sheltered she had been for most of her life. She had been kept a captive, and then set free and moved to a city where things like farm animals were an oddity and not exactly something she would run into. He remembered the petting zoo, on Juliana's birthday, and how much Brooklyn had loved the small baby animals.

He made a mental note to find a way for her to visit a farm, if only to have access to actual farm animals.

"I need to go get my bag." She told him, standing up herself, moving to go to the back of the RV.

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