Chapter 3

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Brooklyn stood, frowning, her arms folded across her chest.
"Is this... it?" She asked, turning her head towards Steve. "THIS is the worlds largest ball of twine?"

They stood in Cawker City, Kansas. In front of the World's Largest Ball of Twine. The small hut was open on all four sides, with signs telling the history of the ball, which was started in nineteen fifty three by Frank Stoeber, who donated the ball to the city, after it had grown to five thousand pounds in weight and stood eight feet tall. There were lines painted on the sidewalks, leading from the ball to the town itself.

"That's what it says on the signs, Babydoll." Steve came up behind her, placing his hands on her hips, leaning down to rest his chin on her shoulder, looking at the supposed wonder with her. "Is it as impressive as you imagine?"

"I... don't know." She admitted. "I mean, I had heard about it. It had seemed like it would be amazing to see... but it's... just a ball of twine?"

He turned his head, kissing her cheek. "I know. I'm sorry."

"Did you know?" She frowned harder, a little miffed at him.

"No." He denied, sighing. "I did not."

She felt a little better. But still... "All this way.... and this is what it is."
"You liked the Bean in Chicago. And you were happy with the cream puffs." He reminded her. "And we have weeks before we have to go home. So... you can focus on something else? Like the fish thing in Seattle? And a troll? And you want to go to Disneyland."

He moved his hands, until he was able wrap his arms around her, rocking her softly.
"How about this. We have lunch here... then you can take some time to figure out where you want to go from here. What we are gonna go see, on our way. Plan ahead."

She dropped her arms, letting her hands rest on his forearms, resting her head against his. "What's for lunch?"

Steve shifted, resting his chin on her head. "Well, we still have to eat the bread from Carmine's, before it goes bad. And the sandwich things from the deli near the apartment. How about sandwiches, chips... a bottle or two of that Moxie you like? And look, Babydoll... there's a picnic bench. Just perfect for us to have a bite to eat, while you plan our next move."

Brooklyn took a deep breath, before nodding, feeling his chin move on her head. "Yeah. Let's do that."
"Okay." he kissed her head. "I'll go get the food."
He let go of her, and she stood, slowly putting her hands on her hips as his footsteps receded. Narrowing her eyes at the ball of twine which had been such a big promise, but an ever bigger let down, she scowled at it.

"You suck." She told it. "I came all this way, and you aren't everything you promised you would be. I should kick you, but I might damage you and end up in jail, and then Steve is gonna have to call my lawyer and it's gonna be in the papers and all over the internet, and then our honeymoon will be ruined. That is the only reason I'm not torching you and watching you burn. Plus...I'm pretty sure Steve would be upset if I did that. He's weird like that."

She took a step closer, still glaring at the ball.

"I hope the other one is better."
Steve climbed out of the RV, parked nearby, his arms and hands full. Her laptop bag was slung over his shoulder, and he strode towards her with wide easy strides, his body relaxed, a smile on his face. Even as annoyed as she was with the disappointment of the twine ball, she couldn't let herself bring down his comfort. Despite the fact that the ball of twine didn't impress her, Steve was happy. He was enjoying their time. He was enjoying driving the RV across the country. Even the stop and go traffic they encountered around the larger city areas didn't bother him. He had taken to sitting back, his elbow hanging out the window, sunglasses on, smiling. The radio going, the faint wind from passing cars, he was happy. Steve was content.

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