Chapter 10

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Brooklyn watched as Steve swam through the pool, his strokes strong and sure. She sat on the edge of the pool, her legs dangling in the cool water, sunglasses perched on her nose to protect her eyes from the late Montana evening sun.
Steve ducked under the water, when reaching the end of the pool, flipping in the water, and going the other direction on his back, keeping just his face above the water. She appreciated the flex of his muscles under the water as he moved, as well as the fit of his swimming trunks. Despite the availability of it, he had passed up the tight spandex fabric swimming pants Kitty had packed for him, instead reaching for the looser shorts meant for the same purpose. She wasn't sure if it was due to his own comfort, or the fact that he didn't want to flash himself and his own rather impressive bulge in front of possible families.

Either way, she was sure she appreciated it.

He flipped over, ducking under the water and turning again, before popping up, and rubbing the water from his face as he made his way to her, through the water.
"Sure you don't want to come in?" He asked, as he came to a stop in front of her, pressing between her legs, and resting his arms on her thighs. "The water is nice and cool."
"I'm good." She told him, reaching out to comb his hair, scratching her nails along his scalp. "I can enjoy it, just fine, right here."

She kicked her legs a little, to demonstrate.

"We're here for the night." He reminded her. "All the amenities. Wanna sit in the hot tub? If you're too cold?"
"I'm not cold, Steve." She reassured him. "I just don't want to go into the pool."

He had been so excited, when they had signed in and paid for their spot for the night. The full amenities and access to the pool had been apart of the paid fee. They had plans to do their laundry, as soon as they left the pool area. She had wanted to do it by herself, while he was enjoying the pool, but he had wheedled and pouted until she had sighed, pulling out the bikini and slipping it on, before pulling on a swimming cover up over it. She had followed him from their RV, to the pool area, witnessing his happiness.

He hadn't been able to swim, he had told her, before the serum. He had gone, more than once, when you could swim in the Hudson, he grinned. But the waves always knocked him off his feet. Now, he could go, and go, and go, and have fun while doing it. There was something freeing, he mused, about being able to cut through water, when before the water knocked him around.

He had kept the grin on his face, as they walked through the gate. He kept the grin on his face as he pulled off the shirt, and set his shoes aside. He kept the grin on his face, as he stepped up to the deep end of the pool and dived in.

When he resurfaced, he had started trying to get her to come into the water with him. And she had resisted.

He was so happy, she didn't want to ruin it.

He shifted, placing his hands on the tile by her hips, lifting himself up to kiss her gently.

"I love this bikini on you." He told her, as he sank back down into the water. "It's very nice. Very form fitting."

"Kitty has a good eye." She agreed, reaching up to tug at the strap around her chest. "And it's covering."
"I am very appreciative of that."He told her, sliding his hands up her hips, to her waist. "But I think there's a problem with it."

"There is not." she shook her head. "It fits, it's a nice color. There's nothing wrong with it."
"It's dry."
That was the only warning he gave her, before he grabbed her, spinning, and tossing her into the water. She didn't even have time to scream at him, before she was sinking under.

She froze, her lungs suddenly screaming for her to open her mouth and inhale, the demand for air suddenly emergent.

The first thing she did, out of habit, was suppress her panic. Nothing was ever accomplished, by panicking. She had learned that early. Panic, and you died. Panic, and whoever you were up against won.

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