Chapter 6

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She rushed to get her camera out of the backpack, when Steve slowed the motorcycle, coming to a stop.
"Oh, fuck." She whispered, finding it, irritated at the camera, as it took it's own sweet time, starting up. She brought the camera up, peering through the screen, her breath caught.
Honest to God bison!

Right in front of them, crossing the road between them and the geyser!

She took picture after picture, not really caring if they came out, in her excitement.

"Juliana is gonna love this!" She told Steve, as he braced the bike to keep it from tipping over from their combined weight. "This is amazing!"
He turned his head, smiling. "It is."
One of the animals stopped on the road, it's large head raising, looking at them, while the others passed by it. As the last of the herd passed, leaving the road, it raised it's head and bellowed, before following it's own kind.
"So wonderful." she breathed, lowering the camera, as the road cleared. "And we're so lucky!"
"Indeed." Steve agreed, nodding. "You good back there?"
"Gimme a minute." She told him, still smiling, turning the camera off, tucking it back in her backpack. She reset the straps on her shoulders, settling back onto the bike, her arms finding his waist. "All good."

He kicked the bike into gear, and they continued on their way, with Brooklyn turning her head as they sped past where the herd had exited. She saw them continue to move their way into the valley, smiling.
And then it hit her.

For the first time, in... as long as she could really remember, she hadn't paused to think about how she was going to remove the obstacle in her path. She hadn't jumped to a plan to kill and/or dismember the animals.
And that was cause to grin even more.

Steve made good time, getting them to the geyser watching place with enough time for them to park, check the predicted schedule and find a viewing spot. She pulled out her camera again, leaning forward on the railing, while Steve leaned against it next to her.
"It should be soon." He told her checking his watch. He had pulled on a zippered hoodie when they left the RV, and was now standing there with the hood up, sunglasses covering his eyes. It was a nice day, with a brisk wind, so she felt he would get away with little to no comment. And it was a much better disguise than his ball cap. "Ten minute window, though."
"Ten minutes is fine." she told him, as the camera powered up. "An hour is not."

"According to their timetable, we're pretty close to the time it's supposed to go off, Babydoll." He told her indulgently. "Not like I can force it to go off, just for you."

"What?" She frowned at him, teasing him. "I thought you were the heart and soul of America. Isn't this one of your jobs? Making sure things happen when they're supposed to? Why the hell did I marry you?"
He laughed, shaking his head. "Because you love me. And I give you orgasms. And you cant imagine your life without me by your side. That's why you married me, Brooklyn. Not because you believed I have the power to make a geyser go off on time."

"Damn." She complained, good naturedly. "I think I got gypped."

He bent down, kissing her. "All sales are final."

"I would like to point out-" She cut off as people started making noise, turning to look as the steam increased from the hole the water was going to come out of.
"Better get ready." Steve advised, shifting to stand behind her, as she brought up the camera. She leaned against him, feeling his chin rest on her head, a hand sliding along her waist, as she pointed the camera at the geyser, hitting record. She figured she could have taken photos, but she was sure Juliana would prefer the video.

"Keep your language clean." She warned him, as the camera started to record.

"Of course, Babydoll." His voice was amused.

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