The Stuffie (Mick Mars x Nikki Sixx)

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Mars had noticed that Sixx has been sleeping with a light blue stuffed bear, He wouldn't call it a dangerous or weird habit considering Nikki's other habits it was relatively normal.

Sixx had brought it in his suitcase for tour, and sometimes into the living room with him if he was having an anxious, stressed or all around bad day. However Mars noted the most important thing to Sixx, was that he needed to hold onto it when he was sleeping.

Mars was very aware of this their whole relationship he was aware of this before they even got together, because the nights Sixx and him would have to share hotel room, he had caught Sixx in the middle of the night prying a stuffie out of his suitcase.

Mars considered it wasn't the weirdest habit someone could possess, in all honesty, at times it was endearing to watch the younger man, who had been in many fights, had a shitty childhood experience with asshole stepdads, been arrested and took so much smack it could kill him, sleep with the stuffed bear hooked under his chin, or sat in his lap whilst they were watching Tv.

It was late on a sleepy October night when "Mickkkk!" Sixx shouted over from the living room. Mars spat out his toothpaste into the sink and wiped his mouth. "What?" "I can't find him." the younger man said.

The rare and concerning dilemma.

Mars slowly walked into the living room. "Nik are you sure?" he watched Sixx pick his head up from behind the couch, face was filled with tension.

"YES, I'm fucking sure. he was right here. literally ri..." "listen," Mars cut him off, holding both of Sixx's hands in his. "calm down, it's gonna be okay. really think about it, where did you last have him?" Sixx bit he inside of his cheek. "here. literally right here." he squeezed Mars's hands tight, then pulled away.

Mars got down on the floor, crawling around and poked his head under the couch to look despite the pain that went up his spine.

"Did you walk anywhere with him? maybe put him down somewhere?" Sixx took a shaky breath, thinking. "I- I had him right here and I-I don't know, alright?" Sixx spoke softly tears starting to gather in the corners of his green eyes. "let's see," Mick stood back up, gently grabbing Nikki's hand.

They walked into the music room as they called it, and Mars's eyes scanned it over quickly. "In here?" "no." Then the kitchen. "here?" Mars asked again in a kind gentle voice.

Sixx just got more frustrated, not at Mars never at Mars it wasn't his fault, but at himself. He held his hands to his forehead. "I'm such a fucking idiot, I can't even keep track of a fucking stuffed bear!"

"Nikki, no no no," Mars was basically dragging Sixx everywhere across the apartment to find him. "Remember he's here somewhere Love. Even if you can't see him, he's in the apartment somewhere." They were back in the living room now. "I told you Mick, he's not here. I fucking chec.." he was cut off by Mars delicately prying the stuffed bear out of two cushions in the sofa.

"See told you he was here somewhere and look his safe and sound." Mars said, handing it to Sixx. Nikki clutched on to the bear as tight as he could and held it close to his chest.

"ugh, I'm sorry Mick." "don't be," Mars held Sixx's head in his hand as kissed his forehead. "let's go to bed, okay?" Sixx nodded sighing into Mars's touch.

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