How bout a Lucky (Jason Newsted xJames Hetfild)

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So a Metallica one shot, I know I know y'all like dam finally. This will be a Pov one. This is a longer one but still short an sweet. I'm working on two other that I've started but haven't finished quite yet it's taking me awhile. But there gonna be longe ass ones that I hope you guys will like. So with that let's get in with this one shall we!

Jason pov:

"Come on Guys, time for a picture." I looked up from watching your fingers move over the frets as you were warming up. It's not nearly as dirty as it will seem later on stage, but the movements still made me feel heated.

It was all a bit frantic that day, but we'd finally had a moment of rest. Looks like that's over. The others were ushered to stand then were pulled into the right place an pose, an unfamiliar photographer taking a few snapshots.

I only just remembered that I should probably smile before he moved on in search of other prey. That's when I snuck a look at you, an your normally beautiful smile but I saw it was as fake as mine, barely hiding the nerves you were badly trying to conceal.

Lars was calm, asking you about one song off the set list that was new, and you answered on autopilot. A second later you called him back and amended your answer. He nodded, but even he seemed worried about you now. You were usually precise.

Some nerves were sensible. This venue was larger than any we'd played before, and a part of the crowd was here for other bands. We'd have to convince them we were worth their time.

You had more than just some nerves, and as the show time approached you had only become more withdrawn, that's wasn't really like you. Anxious to the point you were almost shaking. I forced myself not to show any of my own worries in the hope it would calm you down a little.

To distract myself (and you) I fussed a bit with my bass, making sure it was tuned. You fiddled with your own guitar a moment longer and then went to hand it off to a roadie, me idly following you. Nothing left to do, we almost automatically moved towards the wings, finding a quiet spot out of the way to wait.

Hidden by the curtains around us. Only a few more minutes. The audience was calling out already, even with the roadies setting up the last few things. I noticed you checking your pockets for at least the fourth time since we got to the venue. Each time you got a little more panicked.

If I'm honest, I was getting sick of you freaking yourself out, and getting more and more curious what you were freaking yourself out over.

"What are you looking for?" You startled as if you'd forgotten I was there, then put on a fake smile again.

"Oh nothing, it's stupid."

Nothing you do is stupid, I wanted to say, but that would just mess up are relationship, well whatever the fuckship we had going on. "Now you have to tell me."

You rolled your blue eyes and curved towards me. "Don't you fuck'n dare laugh!" you hissed, and I nodded, a promise we both knew I'd only keep if I wanted. "I lost my good luck charm."

It was a bit surprising that you had a good luck charm. After meeting you i always got the feeling, that your confident person an how you didn't believe in many to any superstitions. I though of you as someone who believed stuff were as real to you as the strings on your guitar. I didn't think if you as someone who would have a lucky charm, it kinda reminded me that your human an not a god. "What does it look like?"

You blinked, and I momentarily felt offended that you'd expected another, more negative reaction. "Just well a good luck charm. It's small and silver with some black on it, It must've fallen out of my pocket."

I sighed. A small silver charm with some black on it, just wonderful. I'd once had to help a friend find a lost earring, and that took two hours, and we'd at least known what room it was in.

You frowned. "I know, I'm not gonna find it again."

"Maybe it's somewhere in your hotel room, or you left it in another pocket or maybe even in the bus," I tried to be optimistic. It didn't cheer you up much, though, as I was met with another frown.

"Nevermind. Try not to think about it. Its just some stuiped superstition, right?" you said, weakly. Trying to convince yourself that it was another thing you didn't believe in. You liked to think you were such a rational person.

"You're gonna be great," I told you quietly, immediately fearing I'd overstepped. That time it was alright. You exhaled, slumping a tiny bit, barely noticeable. Then you looked up at me, sky blue eyes catching the light in a way that made my breath hitch. I hoped you didn't notice, or at least didn't realise why.

"Not if my luck turns bad," you said, trying to joke, but you fiddled with your long sleeve in a way that told me you were serious. I wanted to console you. To somehow show you how incredible you were. That you didn't need some stupid good luck charm to make the crowd love you an are band.

"How about a good luck kiss then," I said, and then in a panic tried to camp it up by exaggeratedly pursing my lips. Don't take it seriously. Do take it seriously. The eternal what-ifs flashed through my mind.

By that point we both knew there was something between us, but it was still so undefined. Consisting of hurried handjobs in bathrooms when we were both drunk, giggling the entire time, or quick squeezes of each others' waist or ass. I thought it was only sex, at least on your side. You were never open enough for me to dare ask about it.

The light was so dim I couldn't be sure, but I would have sworn a blush appeared on your cheeks. You looked to the side, and then your lovely lips curved into a smile. "Well, I suppose it could do no harm."  Your eyes meet mine again, this time in a challenge.

There was nobody else around. A rare moment of silence right before the show would start. I suddenly realised how close you were, how I could almost feel the heat of your body through my shirt. I studied you for a moment, still fearing a cruel trick, but couldn't resist any longer.

I leaned in, meaning to give you a short peck on the cheek. Instead I met the corner of your lips, so close it was almost a real kiss. Everything seemed to still.

Your hand found my waist through the thin fabric of my top as we stood there, lingering. I didn't dare to push any further, and yet I couldn't make myself move away. Instead you were the one to break the kiss, but you moved even closer, leaning your forehead onto my shoulder.

I wanted to bury my hands in your hair, to hold you to me, to kiss you until we were both breathless. I didn't do any of those things, but I did press another kiss to the top of your head.

We stood there for what seemed for an eternity, so much closer than we were allowed to be, so much more distance than we wanted. Then something shifted, someone came too close perhaps, or there was a call, I didn't notice. But you removed yourself from me, smiling softly.

"Time to go on."

I followed you mutely, watched as you accepted your own guitar from a roadie as I got mine. You were beautiful. Still scared, as you stepped on stage, but not shaking like before.

A short nod shared between you and I. A quick look to the other guys an E chord. Fast strumming an we were off.

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