Never really loved her (Tommy Lee x Nikki Sixx)

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I'm working on my first pov it's a duff X Steven it's going to be small and probably shit bit if you like it let me know as I have a few ideas for a Nikki Sixx x Tommy and maybe one with Nikki and mars!!

Ok enough with blah blah blah, on with the god damm show!!! Hope ya enjoy

The tour bus was relatively calm, which was a pleasant change. Nikki was sat on the opposite side of the bus with Mick across from Vince and Tommy. Mick and Nikki hung around together a lot because as much as they loved the other two, they were practically insane and Nikki sometimes need a break to form them and his overthinking brain.

So, Mick kept Nikki sane by being with him when Nikki needed someone, even if they sat in silence, Mick's wisdom and level headedness really helped him deal with the three children on the bus although today Nikki wasn't acting like one his was quiet and kept to himself. Mick did believe that to be because of Tommy's fiancée.

Nikki first met the Tommy after one of London's shows, he was Tommy's best friend. They'd met in an dinner and hit it off straight away. So Nikki has been there for him since the drummer was seventeen, when Tommy's father has arguments with him over his chosen career path, through all of his ups and downs with his sister who didn't really like Nikki much, and of course through all his failed relationship. Tommy relied on Nikki to live, Tommy and Nikki have a special bond, there close friends but freely flirt with eachother and often share hotel rooms.

Vince often teases them for there antics, and the fact that for the most part they actually did act like they were together when there not, and probably never will be. Nikki did love him, like fully blown, head over heels in love with him but seems as Tommy is currently engaged, that's not going to happen. Nikki thought to himself and come to the conclusion that Tommy doesn't love him like that, and never will, Nikki thinks that he is way to dark n twisted for the young ray of sunshine, that he'd destroy him.

However Nikki did believe that his fiancée Roxy is kind of a bitch, and his not the only one to think that. Tommy's parents made it clear they don't particularly like her, seeing straight through her and the fact she's only with the drummer for his money. Nikki never said a word though, because it isn't his place and he was afraid that If he say something to the drummer it might ruin there friendship and Nikki can't let that happen, he'd be lost with out his Tommy.

Nikki's thoughts and peace were broken by the sound of the annoying bitchy voice of Tommy's future wife. "Your moms a cunt" Roxy said suddenly. "What? Why would you say that?" Tommy said in disbelief. She shrugged. "Because she is, she's a cunt" Mick and Nikki shared an uneasy glance knowing this can't end well, you never insult Tommy's mother, especially to his face. Tommy despite his rising anger dismissed the comment. "Quit it, give me the pen, alright?"

Roxy ignored the request and carried on her pointless existence by talking again. "I don't even know why you told them. It's not like she has anything to do with us getting married." "Baby, it's sweet alright? It's tradition." The brunette signed, not wanting to continue this conversation. Just when Nikki thought she'd shut up, she stood up and carried on digging her own grave. "Which tradition?" She scoffed "The mandatory meeting of the cunt?" This was the remark that made Tommy snap, he stood up and walked up to her, rage beginning to burn in his eyes. "Don't call her that again, you hear me?!"

Tommy managed to get his anger back under control, knowing she wasn't worth it as he sat himself back down opposite Nikki this time, right before Roxy raised the pen Tommy had asked for and brought it down straight into the back of his arm "There's your fucking pen!" Nikki let out a gasp as he stared at her in shock. Tommy once again shot up out of his seat. "Ow! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Roxy pointed a finger to the drummer and said "Fuck you! And fuck your fucking mother!" Nikki saw Tommy's jaw clench as he grabbed her arm and pulled her own the aisle in the bus. "That's it! This bitch is fucking outta here! Pull over!"

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