Whole lotta love (Jimmy page X Robert plant)

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POV: Jimmy

It was an awful, spontaneous idea even for me. I had no intention of coming out yesterday. But everything seemed to be going so well. The majority of my family an family friends had patched up our strained relationship these past few years and this was truly the first Christmas where I felt that I could relax.

Of course, I couldn't relax too much it was still the late 70s an me an my farther still weren't that close. I knew I had to limit myself to a few drinks, an one or two visit to my old room what I was staying to shoot up if needed, as I didn't want to be high outta my mind nor do I want to drunkenly come out or talk about Robert.

Speaking of my love, Robert had called earlier, knowing how much I usually dread family get-togethers. He would always comfort me in the dreaded week of panic leading up to Christmas Eve.

The anxiety would dissipate as soon as I left the house early Christmas morning to get on a train to either tower house or down to Robert's house. That was one lie I'm still not sure how I had gotten away with for the past ten years.

My family was only starting to get suspicious about how I seemingly have had something randomly come up that prevented me from staying all Christmas Day every year. Whether it was my our management demanding I start work on a new album or my close friend had suddenly gotten sick, I have been able to sneak away every year.

I planned on doing that again this year. I set up a lie that Led Zeppelin had work that needed doing before the next tour and I wanted to spend the day before finishing, so my band mates can spend Christmas with there kids. My family praised me for how diligent I was being. Little did they know I was actually traveling to spend Christmas Day with my boyfriend who I had been with for about five years. They didn't know I considered his family to be more of a family to me than they had ever been.

That was true for every family member, except for one. My Mother and I had always been close. She had always been there for me. Especially through those rough years where I was just starting my music career and lonely childhood days.

I knew I had pushed her away since Led Zeppelin had gotten big an I messed around with drugs an of course my golden god. I had tried to keep her at arms length, which always hurt.

I had dreams that her and Robert would be just as close as we once were. But I knew that wasn't possible. She had never been outwardly homophobic unlike the rest of my family, who constantly talked about how thankful they are I wasn't gay. But I knew she would reject me if she found out I was gay and if she found out about Robert. I didn't think I could survive that.

One year they made fun of Robert, who they still believed was just a business friend. I always pushed the narrative that he was dressing like that for the show and just not because he was gay or wanted to dress flamboyant for the fun of it. I remember one of my fathers friends commenting about how that's, "exactly how some faggot would cover up his disgusting lifestyle." Everyone hummed in agreement. Except for, of course, me as I clenched my teeth and took a few deep breaths before excusing myself.

I cried to Robert on the phone in my old room that night. He told me there was a train to his house that was leaving in half an hour and that his family didn't mind me coming up early. I remember just quickly grabbing my suitcase, not even bothering to even zip it up. I didn't even go back to the kitchen where my family was. I just called out that I was coming down with something and I didn't want to get anyone else sick. I saw my Mother briefly as I walked by the kitchen. I just hoped she couldn't tell how much I was crying.

I'm not sure if she ever did know how upset I was.

But yesterday was different. It was filled with laughter. When Robert called asking how it was going, I told him it was great and how I might stay for Christmas Day, only joining his family for Boxing Day. He told me he was proud of me and to just let him know if I planned on staying.

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