Fun night in(Izzy Stradlin X Steven Adler)smut

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It was nice to be wanted. Hands scaled Steven's torso, tracing any lines there and dotting on the tiny imperfections. They paid special attention to his nipples, his sides, his collarbones. It was as if those calloused hands were praising him with the electricity they left. Steven could feel, relish in the tracks they made, remembering everything his lusted brain could process.

"Please," Steven gasped out, bending his back to press more into the person. He felt on fire, and it was fucking delicious. He was tiptoeing dangerously close to the pain/pleasure threshold though, and he knew how insane everything got after he crossed it.

"Please what baby?" Izzy asked innocently, pealing his hands away and putting them at his sides. Steven rutted against the air but after feeling nothing, he gave up and flopped back down. He looked absolutely shameful like this; precum covering the front of his boxers, erection proud and noticeable, and body flushed in the light pink tint of arousal.

Izzy wanted to eat him up.

Steven groaned and sat straight with a look of defeat and embarrassment as this was not the first time this predicament had happened. "Please touch me. Do more. Wreck me, Izz," Izzy threw Steven a look, telling him silently that it wasn't enough information. "Touch my cock, touch me everywhere. Please, Izzy." Izzy nodded and dived right in.

As much as it didn't seem, he wanted this as much as Steven did. He slowly pulled down Steven's tight black pants and set his struggling cock free from its confinements.

Izzy admired the way it bounced against Steven's abdomen almost cartoonishly. "Anxious, aren't we?" Izzy chuckled lowly as he backed up, now level with his lover's cock. Steven was a gasping mess, holding his breath in anticipation and clutching the sheets tightly.

Traveling all around that special area, Izzy placed kisses on his hipbones and bit hickeys on his thighs. The younger had to seriously hold back the urge to whimper and whine like a paid whore. Izzy also began to deliver kitten licks to the head of Steven's dick, watching him come undone at the seams.

Anything he could do to make him cry. Izzy continued this torture for a while before Steven finally had enough of the new marks littering his perfect skin. He grits his teeth and gripped Izzy's dark hair as hard as he could, something Izzy would usually do to him. Everything was just so much at a time, and he had to make it stop.

Being patient was not his strong suit, but now he saw how much that trait was going to get him in trouble. Steven, now realizing his actions, he looked down at Izzy who was practically fuming between his legs.

Izzy had a certain look, an animalistic one, that always managed to get the submissive part of him to erupt. This was one of those times, and Steven was practically regretting everything.

"I'm sorry!" Steven nearly squealed, leaning back and running his hands through his own hair anxiously. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Izz you were teasing so much P-please don't punish me." Izzy got up, leaving the most sensitive part of his lover alone, and crawled over Steven until the two boys were inches apart. The tension there was thick and suffocating and so sweet to taste.

"Did you... act out? Do something bad? Did you not follow the rules, Stevie?" Izzy dropped his voice an octave lower but not on purpose. He sounded oh so menacing, yet Steven could practically feel himself getting more and more aroused.

Steven barely saw this part of Izzy as he usually does nothing wrong, Steven is always the sweet adorable little princess. Today, though, was obviously a different story. Maybe it happened because he was a little tipsy or the fact that work was stressful as hell. Axl hadn't stop shouting and blaming him for the song not being done. Either way, in Izzy head he had no excuse.

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