The diary's (Nikki Sixx X Tommy Lee) smut

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There is a made up chanter mention once maybe twice in this story there Nikki's childhood friend.

Tommy swallowed, a horrible thick feeling in his dry throat as Nikki stared at him, waiting for an answer, batting his raven bangs away from his face and blinking impatiently.

"Well?!" He snapped, frown lines creasing his handsome face. Tommy stepped back, but in his mind, he wanted desperately to step closer to the man, until there was no space between them, and he could finally taste those rosie pink lips that he'd wanted for years. The younger man's eyes flicked to the think black leather-bound book in Nikki's calloused hand.

Nikki's diary.

Which Tommy had been reading. He hadn't heard Nikki come into there room, unfortunately. So, the situation he was faced with was rather difficult to say the least.

"I'm sorry, Nik...y'know how curiosity gets to me..." Tommy awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "This shit is fucking private Lee!" Nikki whispered urgently, and the look in l green his eyes made Tommy's heart wither away and die.

It was one of anger, betrayal and utter hurt. Oh, what had he done?!  "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Nikki..." "What were you even doing looking through my shit anyways?" Nikki crossed his arms, tapping his foot, his speeding mind probably conjuring up some beat to kill him to.

Tommy was already bored with the conversation. He was sorry, sure but he wasn't sorry for reading through his terror twins diary. He was sorry that he had been caught.

It was safe to say that he had no respect for personal space or privacy at all. It's just how he was. He had fallen asleep on Vince more times than he could count, the blonde was actually quite comfortable to sleep on surprisingly. Tommy had also done some borderline gay shit with Nikki himself. So, what was he doing going through Nikki's shit?

Definitely not sniffing his worn t-shirt or pants. Definitely not snuggling into his bed. Definitely not jerking off to some of the more racy paragraphs in that diary...Tommy sighed.

"Fuck off," he said dismissively, and watched Nikki's wild green eyes widen, and then the hand without the diary in lifted. He felt the idler man's hand hit him across the face, and it fucking hurt. Tommy looked at Nikki in disbelief, a hand to his reddening cheek.

"Don't you tell me to fuck off. You little fucking asshole" Nikki's tanned knuckles grip on the black leather diary tightened even further, denting the cover. Tommy pushed him back and that was it.

Nikki picked up the nearest object what happened to be a vase and he pegged it at Tommy, who moved out of the way just in time, hearing a faint shatter underneath the slam of his heartbeat. His stomach flipped.

Nikki went to punch him but by some God given miracle, Tommy's skinny, lanky ass managed to get out of the way rather clumsily, and Nikki lost balance, steadying himself on the arm of the filthy couch, christened with stray slices of pizza and empty bottles of jack.

"Fucking hell Nik, would you calm down?! So, what, I read your..." Nikki threw the book at him, and it hit Tommy right in the chest, resulting in a soft grunt of pain. He didn't react otherwise.

"T...Tommy..." Nikki whispered, no anger in his voice, and Tommy didn't want to look, he didn't want to see the bassist crying.

"W-Why just why would you go in there and read my diary...I know it's so pathetic but I actually value privacy, unlike you." Nikki tried to sound bitter but failed missable, his voice was cracking, and he couldn't help the tears form flowing down his face.

Tommy knew he'd fucked up. He was even starting to regret what he did, which wasn't a common emotion for him.

"Hey...Nikki, I'm sorry." His apology fell flat as Nikki rubbed at his upper arms, trying to calm himself. Tommy slowly went to him, a hand against his shoulder as Nikki forgot his previous fury and fell against him, sobbing.

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