Coming out(Izzy Stradlin x Duff)

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Izzy Stradlin, one fifth of the greatest and world known Gun'N 'Roses, sat down in Gun's dressing room. He was waiting for his best friends, brothers and bandmates. Izzy changed into his stage clothes before he sat down on the old beaten leather sofa, just as the rest of the guys walked in.

As they came in, they were all laughing as they greeted him, before they began getting ready for the show. While they did Izzy decided he was gonna have a drink, a few minutes later he felt someone's arms wrap around his waist from behind. He was pulled in close to the other person, he knew who it was before the person spoke, he'd know his boyfriend anywhere!  

"Hey baby, sorry about this morning! I know you wanted me to shower with you, but Axl came back early!"  "It's okay Duff, I understand." Izzy said, turning around to face him, wrapping his arms around Duff's neck, before he kissed him. "You can make it up to me tonight!" Izzy said smiling, before they kissed again.  

Before anything more could happen, Axl called their names, causing Duff to pull away quickly. Duff kissed Izzy head, before he went to see what the redhead wanted. This was how things usually happened between Duff and Izzy, and even though he was used to it, didn't mean it didn't hurt!

Izzy should be happy, he was in love with Duff, and he knew Duff loved him too, but Duff wasn't ready for anyone to know about them not even there bandmates, there brothers don't even know!

So, they dated secretly, at first Izzy liked being Duff's little secret, but as time passed and two years later still no one knew, Izzy began to hate it. Izzy lived for the moments they were alone, or somewhere no one knew them, during those times they were like any other happy couple in love! The rest of the time Duff acted distant or pulled away when others were near and it broke Izzy's heart into pieces every time.

**Days Later**

Izzy was so happy, they finally had time off, they had a few days off from tour to do whatever they wanted, and Duff had agreed to stay with Izzy the entire three days. Duff was at the gym with Slash, so Izzy decided to make a special dinner for him. After dinner he was going to talk to Duff about finally telling people about them.

Of course, Izzy was nervous, every other time they talked about it Duff had flatly refused, and they fought. His thoughts were interrupted by Duff returning, he came into the kitchen smiling, he kissed Izzy as he spoke. "What's that amazing smell?" "Dinner, try some!" Izzy answered, as he held the spoon up for Duff to taste. "That's good! What's the occasion?" Duff asked, as he leaned against the counter.  "Nothing, I just wanted to show you how much I love you!" Izzy answered.

"Alright, Little gypsy the truth now!" Duff demanded crossing his arms. "Fine, but hear me out first before you say anything okay?" Izzy asked, turning off the stove.  "No promises! Now talk!" Duff ordered, as Izzy turned to look at him.

"Duffy, I love you and you make me so fucking happy!" "But?"  "But I'm tired of hiding our love! At first, I liked being your little I feel like that's all I' am to you, just your dirty, little secret. I want to tell people we..." "No!" Duff said walking out of the room. 

"Why Duff? I deserve to know that at least! Don't you love me?" Izzy demanded, as he followed Duff into the living room. "You know I love you Izz! Look, I'm not ready to tell people okay...I don't know if I ever will be! I'm sorry Izz!" Duff said upset. "Yeah, well so am I, Duff! I'm done hiding! Either we tell people or...we're over!"  "You're giving me an ultimatum?" Duff asked shocked, Izzy nodded. "Then I guess we're over!" Duff answered upset, as he grabbed his stuff and left.  

**Days Later**

Days passed and the breakup was hard on both men, Izzy felt like shit for giving Duff a stupid ultimatum! He should have been more patient, he knew the trouble Duff had with love and his anxiety. Duff was just as hurt as Izzy, but he was also himself!

He had never been in love before until Izzy and he didn't know how to be someone's boyfriend! He was scared people would judge them and he wasn't ready for that! He was glad Izzy broke up with him, cause now Izzy could find someone worthy of his love like slash or Axl hell even Nikki Sixx would probably be a better boyfriend!  

One night about a month after Duff and Izzy's breakup, even though both men tried to hide their pain, Axl and Steven had noticed something going on! In fact, they had suspicions something was going on between there brothers for a long time now but waited for them to come to them. Now though they couldn't stay quiet knowing they were both hurting. So, Steven and Axl were going to talk to them. Steven agreed to talk to Duff, Axl agreed he'd talk to Izzy.

So, Steven waited until after the show one night to talk to Duff.

So, when Izzy left with Axl, Steven wasted no time. "Hey Duffy, can I talk to you for a minute?" Steven asked.  "Sure popcorn, what's up?" Duff answered, as Steven sat beside him.

"Look, I know something's been going on between you and Izzy for a long time now, you don't need to deny it, I'm okay with it really and I know Axl is to and for Slash we both know he wouldn't care we all fully support you guys...I just wish my brothers would have told me or the others, but that doesn't matter right now, I also know something happened between you two and whatever it is, is making the both of you miserable I want to help, if you'll let me?" Stven said gently.

"Long story short, we were a couple, but we didn't tell anyone because of me, Izzy wanted to tell you guys, I wouldn't let him because I was afraid of being judged. About a month ago, he gave me an ultimatum, either we tell you guys about us or...we break up and I took the cowards way out and broke up with him." Duff explained sadly.

"Do you love him?" "Yeah Steveie, I do! For the first time in my life, I'm in love, and I let him go." "Duff, don't let what others think keep you from your happiness. If others don't like it, to hell with them, I'll always have your back and so will the guys, Go get your Little Gypsy back Duff!" Steven said smiling. "Thanks Stevie, I love you." Duff said hugging him. "Anytime, I love you too Duffy. Now get going!"

Duff knew Steven was right, he didn't give a damn what others thought, the only one whose opinion mattered was the band, and he knows they would all support them no matter what. He needed to make things right and beg for Izzy's forgiveness. Duff headed to back to the hotel and went to Izzy's and Axl's room, when he got there and knocked Axl opened the door letting Duff in as he whispered, "Don't fuck this up Duff." Then walking down, the hall to slash's room.

Duff looked around and saw Izzy getting a drink outta the mini fridge. Duff rushed to him, and turned him around surprising Izzy, before he could do or say anything though, Duff kissed him, putting every bit of love he felt for Izzy into it. When he pulled away, Duff got down on his knees in front of Izzy.

"Duff, what...what are you doing? What's gotten into you?" Izzy asked, before he looked around and saw everyone was standing in the hotel doorway watching them. "Careful Duff, the guys are watching!" "Let them! Izzy, I don't deserve you or your love, but I'm begging you to take me back! I'm so sorry I let what others think come between us, I love you so much Izzy! I'm done hiding, I don't care who knows I'm in love with you!" Duff said tears in his eyes, still on his knees.

"I... I'll take you back on one condition!" Izzy answered. "Anything baby, just name it!" Duff replied. "If you can forgive me for pushing you into doing something you weren't ready to do." Izzy said, tears in his eyes too. "Always baby, always!" Duff said smiling, as he stood and kissed Izzy.

"I love you Duff!" "I love you too Izzy, so god damn much!" Duff replied, holding him close. As Duff held Izzy, he realized how close he came to never being able to do it again. He loved Izzy and Izzy loved him, that's all that mattered, and he'd never again let anyone keep him from being happy... Izzy was always the one that made him happy.

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