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killian and Alistair circle around each other until Alistair throws a punch, killian doges it and goes to kick Alistair's side, but Alistair is just as fast and grabs Killian's leg and pushes him backwards. Killian stumbles but regains his balance and runs at his friend- something Alistair wasn't expecting- and punches him in the jaw.

Alistair falls and Killian goes in for one final punch but Alistair grabs killian's fist and both of them are wrestling to get up. Alistair uses his erudite brain, finally and knees Killian in the groin and pushes him up and over his head so he flips and lands with a thud on his back groaning, Alistair takes his chance to get up and scrambles to his feet, but so does killian.

fists begin to fly as Alistair punches killian in the face, jaw and throat. Killian punches Alistair in his shoulder and then his eye, when Alistair goes to punch again Killian spots the opportunity to hit Alistair's throat, and he does Alistair steps back gaging and gasping for air, killian swings his led and does a spinning kick and smashes his elbow into Alistair's head. Alistair drops like a stone, with blood pouring out of his mouth and 2 cutes on his face; one on his lip, the other on his eyebrow. Killian's nose is also bleeding and his jaw is starting to bruise, his black hair is wet with sweat and is plastered on his fore head. he kneels down next to Alistair and puts a hand on his shoulder

"I-I-I-I knock-knocked him ou-out" he stammers, tear wetting his eyes "i didn't mean to" I walk over to them and say

"the whole part of the fight is to knock him out" he looks up his chocolate brown eyes glazed over and his skin is pale- he looks like he is about to throw up "it was either you or him" I continue "he will understand, now take him to the infirmary, and get your lip and eyebrow checked out too, im not sure if they'll need stitches" he noods, sniffs and I help him get Alistair up who groans in pain- he must be starting to come around, Finn offers to help take Alistair to the infirmary and the 3 of them disappear.

"Rachel v Harry" I shout circling Killian's name to show that he won the fight. I look back to the ring to see Harry already there and rachel cautiously making her way to him. she stands and holders up he fists and breaths heavily, Harry does the same.

he charges her and attempts to punch but Rachel is very fast and doges him sticking her foot out so he trips over and slams into the ground. he tries to get up but Rachel is already there and she kicks him in the stomach and grabs his vest with one hand and hair with the other. in one swift movement she throws him onto the ground and kicks his side and punches his cheeks when he tries to get up. Harry was knoked out in less than a minute.

girl power.

"the next time some one says 'you fight like a girl' im gonna take it as a compliment " Tommy says. I circle rachels name. tobias and Rachel lift Harry up and sit im down so his back rests against a pillar.

Next fight is Emy and Tommy.

they enter the ring. tommy turns to me

"im not fighting her" he says

"why?" I ask

"she's a girl"

"and that makes you unable to fight her because?"

he takes a couple of seconds to think over his answer so he isn't sexist

"its wrong to hit a girl, and if you ever hit a girl then your not a man you're a coward" he says, everyone is shocked. Emy walks to tommy ans kisses his cheek

"Tommy that's really sweet but you have to fight me" she says

"i don't wanna hurt you" he says

"ill be fine, do you underestimate me or something?" she says swatting his arm, tommy sighs and puts his fists up, he has such an innocent and apologetic expretion. Emy throws a punch and tommy drops his arms. the blow connects to his temple and he falls.

did he just give up because he couldn't find it in himself to hit a girl?

would he do the same for any other girl?

or just for Emy?

because he likes her? but she has a thing going on with Finn, I think.

If Erudite never strikes-(alternative divergent ending)Where stories live. Discover now