Chapter 8

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For the next few days the fights continue. most of the time I spend the day watching the clock tick by. checking the time every 5 minutes, instead of watching the initiates.

I update the rankings:

1) Killian

2) Rachel

3) Alistair

4) Finn

5) Emy

6) Tess

7) Harry

8) Tommy

Tommy is still last because he can't bring himself to hit someone. I need to pair him with someone he will hit. but that's no one.

Emy has improved in her fights and is starting to get stronger and my tactical and so is tess. Rachel doesn't think her moves through and normally her plans backfire. Finn is quiet he sits in the middle because of this, he isn't as strong as Killian and Alistair. everyone else is just better than Harry, there's no way to sugar coat that fact. he just is.

Today is visiting day. the initiates seem to be excited to see their families. the line up in the pit and one by on go to their loved ones. after a while of seeing them I notice how Rachel and Tess's families are together and Emy, Finn, Tommy and Harry are together.

I walk over to Tess and Rachel. it is compulsory for trainers to talk to the initiates families. Rachel stands with a girl dressed in amity clothes and Tess is with 2 adults and a young boy- probably 7 or 8 in candor black and white. the girls wave me over.

"hi girls" I say "are these your families?"

"yeah" tess says "this is my mum and dad, and my little brother" the woman she gestures to holds out a hand

"hello, I'm Leanne, Tess's mother, this is my husband" I shake her hand and then Tess's dad's

"nice to meet you, i'm Tris, i'm a trainer" I say "tess is doing really well here, she's brave and very strong. i'm sure you're very proud".

"yes we are very very proud" tess's dad - Charles - says. I tun my attention to the amity girl.

"tris, this is my sister lauren " Rachel says, Lauren offers a hand which I shake, she must have held back her amity ways when it comes to being in the dauntless compound

"hello, im Rachel's trainer" I say

"very pleased to meet you" she says

"your sister is doing an amazing job here" I say " she is 2nd in the ranks"#

"well at least I know she is going to survive" lauren laughs, she seems like a warm forgiving person. her hair is a slightly lighter blond than rachels, but there eyes are the same.

"im sorry but I have to go and talk to the rest of the initiates family" I say

"lovely to meet you" lauren beams

"you too" is say and walk off. as I walk around I remember how happy lauren was and think would I be happier if I had chosen amity. I would have never met tobias though.

after half an hour ive met: Killian's parents, Finn's Mum and Granddad, Emy's Parents,  Alistair's guardian, Tommy's dads and Harry's sister.

Once the families leave a few of the initiate wipe a teary eye and go back to the dorms. I remember how hard it was to leave my family, but I hope they understand its not forever. every Christmas I go to abnegation with tobias to celebrate with my parents. Caleb also manages to get to abnegation from erudite. we normally stay clear of Marcus though. But life in dauntless has turned out better than I ever hoped for.

If Erudite never strikes-(alternative divergent ending)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora