Ash (😒) +fun time stuff

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Ok I'll be real with you, I won't like writing this but I need to ok. DW I'll just have do this and make something that makes you guys like this chapter.

Also I feel such a strong urge to make smut help me 😰

Taking slow steps up to her door I suck in a deep breath and knocked.

The door clicked open to reveal Ash, her eyes grew lage as soon as she saw me.

"Y/n." She stepped back. "What are you doing here?"

I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out, I just stared at her blankly, strategizing how to navigate my next moves.


"I miss you stupid. And you better thank Nana for me coming here because I wasn't going to!" I crossed my arms and peered off to the side, studying the blades of grass.

"What is this about?" She leaned up to the door.

I let out a heavy breath, "look, you were kind of a bitch back when.. you know, that day ok? You still are in that moment." My eyes studied the floor. "I don't really want to, but I miss you. Ok?"

A sad smile spread across her face, just enough for me to notice. "Y/n, I.. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am."

"Well you better, and make it good."

"Ok.. Y/n, I hate what I did to you. I was wrong.. and stupid.. and selfish-"

"And a total asshole move." I interrupted

"Yeah and a total asshole move. Look you deserve to hate me. You don't need to forgive me, I really messed up." She looked up to me ready for me to blow her off, but miraculously I didn't.

I clicked my tongue and dropped my crossed arms to a hand on my waist. "Well.. I suppose we all make mistakes." I walk to step closer to her. "Not me though. I'm perfect." I said, now slightly smiling.

"Heh agreed." She rubbed her arm. "Can we try again?" She Asked through her awkward smile.

"Well it would be a waste of my time coming here if I didn't." I finally made eye contact with her. "So yes."

She smiled overjoyed, going in for a hug which I blocked. "Woah, not yet. Baby steps Ash."

Her response was a simple head nod and a smile. "Maybe we can hang out sometime?" She fidgeted with her hands.

"Yeah, maybe. I.. think I'll just go now. See you around?" I ask prepping my body to turn.


She shut the door leaving me to go to my car. Walking back, it felt like I had a wait lifted off my chest.

"Well that was quicker and easier then I expected.." I think aloud.

I had no idea where I was going next but I was going to treat myself.

I didn't have too much money so I decided to just get some food and go for a walk. After I ate my food I quickly changed into some better clothes then my rehearsal outfit in the back of my car (idk it might be weird but I do that all the time so judge me if you want)

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