Chapter 81

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Charlotte's POV

"Oh you're such a good girl!" I cooed to Liliana as I finished changing her diaper. I threw it in the trash and started to put her clothes back on. "Daddy and Mommy are going to have a hard time trying not to spoil you little one!" I said, smiling at her. I kissed her cheek and kept talking with her.

"Don't you look beautiful, you know... you have daddy's gorgeous eyes" I said looking into her blue sapphire eyes. "I love you" I said, picking her up. I looked over to the door and noticed that Ivan was standing there leaning on the doorframe just admiring me.

"You're just going to stand there watching me?" I joked and he chuckled. "I might," he said and I lightly laughed. I started to slowly walk towards him. We started to walk downstairs to the living room. I had Ivan check the time and it's 6pm so we decided that we could watch a movie in the living room while I fed Lili. Me and Ivan decided we were going to call her Lili, short for Liliana.

I sat down on the couch while Ivan brought a burp cloth and turned on the TV. He made our sectional couch into a bed and went to the center of the couch, his back resting on the frame of the couch. I went between his legs holding Lili so he could hold me from behind. He turned on the TV and put a movie on and I started feeding our little one. I smiled down at how adorable she looked and looked over my shoulder to see Ivan gazing at our baby girl.

"You know Ale was right, you look beautiful and your boobs are really big and making it harder for me to not try for another baby" he said, making me giggle. I looked at him and kissed him. "We haven't even spent a week alone with Lili and you already want another baby?" I said and he smiled. "I want many more, I want a big family but it's up to you, It's your body" he whispered to me and I smiled. "Let's see how we do with Lili, okay?" I said and he nodded. I waited a couple of seconds to speak again. "I wouldn't mind having a couple more kids in the future though" I softly said to him, he gave me the biggest grin ever and kissed me on the lips again.

By the end of the movie the baby was sleeping, I checked the time and it was 8:30pm so we started heading upstairs to start getting ready for bed. I know we aren't going to get lots of sleep the next couple of nights because we have a newborn and we're both new parents but I'll do anything for my little angel.

I went into the nursery with Liliana while Ivan went to get ready for bed. I took off her cute little outfit and put on her little onesie. I know it's summer and really hot outside but we have air conditioning around the house so it's a little chilly sometimes. I kissed her round and chubby cheeks multiple times and picked her up. We walked to the room and I fed Liliana one last time before getting ready for bed.

"Babe, could you burp her so I can go get ready for bed?" I quietly asked Ivan who immediately nodded and rushed to take Lili from me. "Yeah of course," he said, taking Liliana from my arms. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my night routine.

I walked to the closet and picked out a black satin negligee. I took off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror before putting on the negligee. I look different, well of course you just gave birth, but it's like... different in another way, I obviously don't look how I did before getting pregnant but I don't look awful. My boobs are huge though! I smiled at my figure because it was able to carry my little angel for 9 months. I sighed and put on my negligee and walked into our bedroom.

I saw Ivan placing Lili on her bassinet lightly shushing her to sleep. I smiled at him leaning over the door frame. I never imagined myself having a family after what happened with Jackson. I always thought that my life was going to be destined to be filled with suffering and tears but Ivan showed me different. Life has been against us since the beginning but we didn't let it ruin us for the long run. Now I have a family with him. I have my little girl and I will forever be thankful to him for this. I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw Ivan walking towards me with a smile on his face.

"What was going through your crazy head?" he asked, placing his hands on my waist, I placed mine on his shoulders and looked at him curiously. "Huh?" I said and he chuckled. "When you're deep in thought you do this cute face," he said pointing to my face before going back to holding my waist. "I was thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life," I said.

He leaned down and kissed me on the lips very gently and lovingly. "I think that about you every single day," he said against my lips. I smiled and pecked his lips one last time. All of a sudden Ivan picked me up bridal style and brought me to bed while I giggled at his actions. "What are you doing?" I quietly laughed. "I'm taking care of you gorgeous," he said and I smiled.

He laid me on the bed and kissed me. The kiss started to escalate and his hands started roaming all through my body. I started to feel a little insecure so I carefully stopped him. "I'm... I'm not ready to... I'm sorry" I said, closing my eyes and sighing deeply. He kissed my lips lovingly and cuddled me close. "It's okay baby, we can wait until you're ready, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking" he apologized and I shook my head, placing my hands on his face. "No it's okay, you wouldn't have known until I told you, thank you for understanding" I said and he kissed me. I snuggled in closer to Ivan and let his warmth and tiredness consume me.

"Oh, what's wrong munchkin?" I said to Liliana as she cried. I carried her around the room trying to calm her down. I tried everything, I changed her, I tried to feed her, now I'm carrying her and she won't stop crying. "Honey, I'm going to go to the nursery so you can get some sleep" I said to Ivan and he shook his head. "Absolutely not. Charlotte you've been getting up the past 5 times Lili has cried and not letting me help. Honey I appreciate you trying to let me sleep but we're in this together, you don't sleep I don't sleep okay" he said and I sent him a sad smile. "Ivan, you barely slept when we were in the hospital, I know those couches aren't comfortable" I said, still rocking Lili, Ivan looked at me and he got up walking towards me.

"I know you barely slept because you kept moving and grunting in pain, you're exhausted. I read in an article that breastfeeding takes up 25 percent of your energy every single time and Lili eats 8-10 times a day. I can't even imagine how you feel so no, you are staying here and we will calm her down together." he said and I nodded, smiling at him. Liliana had started to calm down a little bit while me and Ivan disagreed.

"Take your shirt off" I said, rocking Lili while she still cried a little, Ivan looked at me and a smirk started to form on his face. I rolled my eyes and spoke. "I heard that girls seem to bond more with their dads and that skin to skin contact is good" I said chuckling he smiled and took off his shirt he took Lili and I went to the thermostat and changed the temp of the room from 60 degrees to 70 so that I could take some layers of clothing off of Lili. I let the room change temperatures first before taking off her onesie and putting on some short sleeve pajamas on her.

After about 7 minutes Liliana started to calm down and me and Ivan sighed in relief. I looked at the time and saw it was 3am. Ivan placed Lili in between us and we fell asleep still making sure we weren't crushing her little body. 

Around 5am Liliana started crying again and I was able to take her out of the room without waking Ivan. I went to the nursery, I changed her diaper and went to the couch. I reclined the couch and started to feed Liliana. I knew she was probably hungry since the last time she ate was around 2am.

I saw she was done so I burped her. I was so tired that I kept yawning every 2 seconds. I layed her in my arms and started patting her butt, hoping she would fall asleep and she did. I placed her in her crib and tucked her in. I made my way to the couch and turned off the light, leaving only the lamp on.

Published 08/25/2022

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