Chapter 86

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2 months later:

I woke up to a slight feeling on my chest. It felt like a tightening and burning feeling. I got up groaning and felt the room start spinning and go darker. I slowly sat back down on the edge of the bed. I was breathing heavily while one of my hands rested on top of my chest. "I-Ivan" I whispered.

I figured he didn't hear me since he didn't respond. I waited a couple of moments and tried getting back up but had the same reaction. Just this time I tried taking a couple of steps. I tripped and fell on the side of the bed. The tightening feeling started increasing and I was groaning a little louder. "I-Ivan" I said louder, closing my eyes because the whole room was spinning.

I heard him hum in response and I tried speaking but the pain increased so I pulled on the blanket on top of Ivan while I felt my body slipping from the bed to the floor. I don't know if there was something on the floor that fell but there was a thud on the floor. I felt like I was underwater because my hearing felt odd. My breathing started increasing and I just felt myself slipping away. I didn't have enough strength to open my eyes so I just gave in. But I was scared.

Ivan's POV

"I-Ivan..." I heard Charlotte say but I felt too tired to open my eyes so I just hummed in response letting her know I'm awake. When I didn't hear her again I figured I was hearing stuff so I shrugged it off. I was almost back to sleep when I felt my blanket pulled off from me and I heard a big thud like something fell so I opened my eyes and got up. The first thing I did was look at the twins' bassinets to make sure they didn't fall. Then I looked beside me and didn't see Charlotte. I walked to the front of the bed and saw Charlotte on the floor.

I rushed immediately towards her panicking. "Baby! Are you okay?" I asked her worriedly but she wasn't moving. I rushed outside of the bedroom and shouted for Violet. She has been staying over to help with the kids. She rushed out. "What Ivan! It's 5 in the morning" she said and I felt so worried and scared.

"C-Charlotte.... S-she's..." I said pointing to the room and she looked at me worried before rushing to the room. I rushed behind her and saw her taking her pulse and making sure she was breathing. Violet is CPR certified so I know she knows what she's doing. "She has a pulse and is breathing, do me a favor and call 911" she said and I nodded walking over to the nightstand for my phone.

I heard Charlotte start groaning while I was unlocking my phone. I rushed to her and held her hand. "Baby, are you okay? I'm calling for an ambulance." I started to dial 911 but she stopped me before I called. "No... I'm okay. Just call Dr. Kang" she said and I looked at her worriedly. She finally opened her eyes and I nodded.

I called the doctor who was on his way. Liliana woke up crying because she got scared when I shouted for Violet. "I scawed," she said, trying to say scared. I picked her up from her bed and carried her to mine and Charlotte's bed. "Mommy!" she cried trying to go to Charlotte who was looking pale.

"Hi princess," Charlotte said tiredly. "Mommy okay?" Lili said sniffling. Char smiled at her and nodded. "I'm okay, why are you up baby?" she asked and Lili snuggled into her, placing her head on Charlotte's shoulder and hugging her. "Daddy yewing" she said, trying to say yelling. "Oh it's okay daddy just got scared, mommy was feeling sick but I'm better now... come on go back to sleep. Mommy will hold you" Charlotte said and Liliana snuggled in more. Liliana has always been more attached to me but when she wants to sleep or is sick or crying she wants her mom and I don't blame her, Charlotte loves our kids like no other person in this world.

When Lily fell back asleep I carefully picked her up and took her to her bed placing a kiss on her forehead. I heard the doorbell so I went and opened the door. I greeted Dr. Kang and led him upstairs to our bedroom.

Charlotte's POV

"Dr. Kang!" I said sarcastically and smiled. He smiled and placed his bag on the nightstand and spoke. "My favorite patient," he said and I started to laugh. "It worked" I said smiling and he looked at me smiling and nodded. "What worked?" Ivan asked and I looked at him.

"I started a treatment a couple of months before the twins were born. It wasn't harmful to them and it was to help with my heart problem, so that I don't have many problems. It's been working but I think this morning I blacked out because I have been stressed and because my last pill was a week ago." I said and Ivan looked at me confused.

"It means we can have more kids and I won't have such a high risk anymore and it means I'm going to be doing better." I said and he smiled. "This happened from a side effect her body is having to the loss of the pill which means it worked." Dr. Kang said and I broke out into a huge grin.

The doctor did some check ups on me and we talked about some things I have to do for the next couple of weeks. "You need to drink lots of water and eat some fish to help your heart strengthen itself" he said before leaving and I nodded. "You don't need any bed rest but for the next couple of days take it easy with the exercise okay. Don't forget you're a mother of three now and breast feed two. your body energy isn't the same, give yourself some time before going fully crazy and back to the gym okay?" he said making me smile and I nodded. I got up from the bed and drank some water and walked him out with Ivan.

I closed the door and looked up at Ivan and he smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist turning me around getting giggles from me. I wrapped my legs around him and smiled when he stopped twirling. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. The kiss started to deepen and became hungrier. I played with the back of his hair, pulling him more in letting a small moan escape from me.

We immediately stopped when we heard someone clear their throats. I looked over and saw Violet sitting on the couch. "Weren't you just dying a couple of minutes ago? And do you think it's a bit too soon for you guys to be planning for baby number 4 or number 4 and 5?" she said and I started chuckling. "Were you there the whole time?" I asked, pointing at the couch and she nodded. I felt my cheeks burning and I looked back at Ivan. We sat down and told Violet everything before heading back upstairs to get ready for the day.

Published 09/04/2022

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