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   A cross road where storm and stress
 already weathered or in motion be
 A touch worldly wise but still dewy eyed
In this spring time of life and we are called youth

Today was a hectic day, although my every day is hectic, this one just crosses the line. But leaving my deep- depressing stories, I'll first reply to your letter.

The Wylla I know is a weird, silly yet sophisticated girl, who cares too much about her grades and is too good to be true. She's a murder and a thief. She is a hard worker, knows when to talk and when to study (unlike some one who sat beside me today and literally sucked my soul out with a straw), she is courageous and brave. Can take on any difficulty thrown at her. But she is also afraid, she also knows how to cry,she knows how to love, to hate, she also gets angry, she also needs her personal space, she also gets tired like any other one of us. So she also needs a break. I would like to acknowledge the hard work my stranger has been doing, and its not about studies I am taking its about your life, your own struggles of finding the real you, of becoming something you want. I won't say the obvious things to give you strength.  I might be not much solace to you but I'll say that I'm here. Some one who may not be as good as you , may not be as courageous and brave, may cry every time she gets afraid, but she will try  to be strong to support you.

Today when you shoved me away saying you want to be alone, the only thing I could think of was that was I pressuring you, or was I being too clingy, or too annoying or fake? To be honest I was a bit annoyed but I couldn't help but agree with what you had done. Cause once I too was being pestered by my former seat made. But when I saw you walking down the stairs, reaching up to me, and giving me that look .( An annoyed but hesitating look) It made me reassure, I would ever ruin our 'stranger ship", cause I just had to let go when you wanted and catch up when it needed. 

Partners in crime
And finally the map swapping. It was the first time I had done something like this. I wouldn't say it was too exciting or adventurous, but It was something new and fresh and something that I would be writing in my diaries for a very long time . ( And your welcome)
( Any thing I say may be used as evidence against me so I must not say much)

And lastly about my exam today, for which I had studied 1 night and 1 after noon.
After coming back from school, I again sat down to study and all this energy was my desperation to beat achintya goyal who also happens to study in my coaching, but in the rajpur centre.
But it started raining........... And........I always get the doldrums when its rainy and muggy outside. That type of weather tends to make me lazy. I wish that I were more productive that I could get more things done. But now the fire had been lit and  I have set a sword hanging on achintya's neck.
In the test I actually wrote a descriptive composition about our 'strangership'. I had only 20 mins left and so i wrote abut something i could write without thinking, so i wrote about you.

I will make you read it when I get the paper back but atleast I'll tell you this much.
The story ended in pensive morbidity.
(Wylla with a sad smile broke all chains and set free. )
Although she was Wylla, she was more of her mirage.

Yours truly

                                                                     au revoir

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