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Tring , tring !

I woke up to the sound of my bloody alarm ringing. I pushed open the window and sunlight immediately attacked my eyes !

"BEATRIX, BREAKFAST'S READY. WAKE UP !" I heard my Mom calling out for me, so I quickly went in the washroom and brushed my teeth.

I went downstairs, muttered a 'Good morning' to my mom and stuffed the cheese pasta that my mom had prepared.

Wait, did I introduce myself to you ? No ? Okay, so my name's Beatrix Jones and I'm fifteen. I basically live in London, no it's not really fun out here when you have strict parents like mine, I've got a best friend, too, Louis Partridge. I call him Fartridge, because that's what I thought his surname was ; rather than Partridge.

Okay, back to me having breakfast : Honestly, my mom cooks so well, she could easily win the MasterChef Show.

If I tell her that, she goes like, "I have to work, and a lazy girl you wouldn't understand what work means !" And blah ! blah ! blah ! Stuff about how good her life would've been if she hadn't been married. Honestly, I get angry sometimes, why d'you gotta have kids in the first place, if you can't tolerate their mischeif !

I slipped into my uniform and checked the clock : 7:30 A.M.

Perfect, I thought. I'd reach school by eight.

But little did I know that Fart— I mean Louis would've been waiting for me.

I got out of my house and set my foot on the pavement when, I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.

"Good morning, Trix !" Louis said with a grin. 'Trix' is what Louis called me.

" 'Morning, Farty !" I said with a sarcastic smile.

"Hey, stop calling me 'Farty' in front of everyone !" Louis complained.

"I'd kiss you right now and nobody would even notice !" I said pointing towards the road.

Louis just shrugged and we both quietly walked to school, his arm wrapped around mine.

"Good morning, Julie !" I greeted one of my other good friend.

"Good morning, Beatrix ! How's your day going ?" she replied with a grin flickering in her face.

"Just normal," I said. "We should go to the hall, or else Mrs Harrington might put us on detention !"

Julie giggled and we both went to the hall while Louis went to greet his other friends.

The assembly went by as normal, senior students lead the prayer and we repeated after them. Like usual, we sang a song ; today's song was : I have a dream ! Our principal, Mrs Harrington, gave us the daily motivational talk.

In our school, girls and boys' of each class made seperate lines during the morning assembly.

Louis was standing right beside me, almost about to burst out laughing when Mrs Harrington was mentioning about how students nowadays are doing stuff they shouldn't be doing.

"It is for my self-respect that I am not mentioning what, but be careful students, I know every single thing that you do !" She said glaring at a few seniors who were red in the face. "No kissing in school, not even on the cheek ! If any girl or boy is found kissing someone, their parents will be called," she glared at our batch.

Someone was definitely caught kissing in school, or else she wouldn't have mentioned such things.

After a good twenty minutes of lecture, we were finally allowed to go back to our classes. Our class was on the second floor so all the girls of a particular class moved in one line followed by the boys and if you don't follow the rules you end up in detention with Mrs Harrington.

*★✧FOREVER✧★* ( Louis Partridge X Y/N ) Where stories live. Discover now