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Ding-dong ! Ding-dong !

My nightmare has begun !

The doorbell rang indicating the arrival of Ivy and her family. I forced my body downstairs and those forty-five steps from my room to the door felt like miles.

I hesitantly opened the door ...

"Beatrix !" I could hear Ivy's sweet, fake voice.

I fake grinned at her. " 'Sup, Beatrix?" Oliver her brother or my cousin, greeted me too.

"Great as ever !" I fake-replied.

"Dear, let us in !" Aunt Daisy,  Ivy's mother chimed in.

"Oh, um, yeah , of course !" I said, awkwardly.

"Do us a bit of work, would you ?" Aunt Daisy, complained.

I quietly muttered a 'yeah' and started bringing all the luggage inside.

According to mom, they already had a huge flat here in London. But, they'd be staying the night here, as it was their first night in London. She even said that three-fourth of the luggage was kept in the flat. Even after that, a bare minimum of three huge suitcases, two vanity boxes and five backpacks were in our house. Fine, they were rich, but, that doesn't mean you carry the whole house with you !

After a couple of minutes of lazily working, Ivy and Oliver were no where to be seen.

"Mum, where have Ivy and Oliver gone ?" I enquired.

"To your room, huns !" Aunt Daisy, replied.

"Oh, 'k !" I replied, awkwardly.

After a fat one hour, I finally went to my room. And believe me when I entered it ... IT WAS A MESS !!!!

The bed that had been properly done was all messy with Oliver lying on it. Ivy was sitting in my dresser, taking out uncountable make-up items.

Once she saw me enter she complained, "Your room is so small !"

"Huge enough for me," I replied, my face blank.

"Guys, just chill !" Oliver called out from the bed. "Hey, hey bro —" he was talking to someone on the phone.

I wanted to throw them out of my house right now !

I angrily walked out of my room not being able to bear those people. One day, just one day and they'll go to their own flat. I tried to calm myself.

I took a deep breath and went downstairs to drink a cup of water. But, guess what ?


"How sweet !" She started and I immediately knew this was not going well because I could feel the tone of evilness in her voice. "Here to make us tea, are you ?"

"No, Aunt Daisy, I was here to grab a glass of water,"I said plainly.

"How disgraceful !" She said coldly. "My Ivy would've never done such a cruel thing ! She would've easily agreed and made the tea except for the fact that there's no need to make tea in our house, " she stopped and then, added, "We have maids, unlike you !"  She breathed.

"No, Aunt Daisy !" I smiled. "Except for the fact that your dear Ivy cannot even make a cup of tea !" I laughed slightly. "What a pity !" I rolled my tongue inside my mouth, grabbed a cup of water and walked away, leaving a fuming Aunt Daisy.

It felt so good to actually let my feelings out. I took a deep breath when I found my phone vibrating inside my pocket.

I took it out to see, Julia, calling me.

*★✧FOREVER✧★* ( Louis Partridge X Y/N ) Where stories live. Discover now