The Interview

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Date: 4/23/2024

Hiya! Here is a little edit / disclaimer that I have to make about the story.

Wilbur Soot is in fact in this story. The reason being is because I made this story about 1-2 years ago, way before any of us knew about the Wilbur Soot situation. He will NOT be in any of my upcoming stories. I do not support him or his decisions / actions at all, and I am no longer a fan of him.

I am keeping this story up only because it has done so well, and you guys seem to love it♥️thank you guys so so so much for all the love and support on this story by the way! I appreciate it so much♥️I may or may not do a sequel to this story actually, but it's going to be a little different since Wilbur will not be in the sequel.

I don't know when I'll make the sequel since I am currently working on "RaccoonInnit" and "Tommyinnit's Vigilante Journey", but I'll definitely work on it sometime soon, most likely in the summer!

I'm probably going to discontinue "Dream's Sidekick" only because my mind is so blank with ideas for that story, anddd because Wilbur is in it and I don't feel comfortable writing about him at all. So yeah, there's that lol

Anywho, I hope yall enjoy the story! Have a great day / night!

Tommy is quite nervous for this interview. In his 18 years of living, he has never thought of interviewing for a job that requires working with some of the best superheroes in the country, L'manberg. Weird county name. I know, but he just started living in an apartment with his best friend, Tubbo, so he needs a job.

Tommy is just a normal teenage boy. He has blonde hair, very bright like the sun, bright blue eyes, tall as fuck, and has a great sense of humor. The only unusual, but unique thing about him is being a vigilante, which is pretty illegal, but he was born with an ability, so might as well put it to use, right?

Tommy's dressed up somewhat nicely for this interview. He's wearing a black suit with a black tie. His hair is a bit messy, but he honestly doesn't care. He woke up a little late today, so he didn't really have the time to do his hair. He sees the very tall building where the interview is in the distance, and walks to it.

Tommy walks inside the building and walks to the reception desk.

"Hello", Tommy says in a polite tone with his british accent. "I'm here interviewing for the employee position."

The women at the reception desk looks up at Tommy and smiles. She has short light pink hair, has three nose piercings, looks short, and her name is Niki according to the name tag on her shirt. She says in a soft voice, "Oh hello! You must be Tom Simons, Right?"

Tommy raises an eyebrow. Curious as to how she knows his name, "Yes, and you can just call me Tommy if you'd like."

Niki smiles more, "Oh of course! Whatever's more comfortable to you! If you look to your right, there will be an elevator. Take the elevator up to floor seventy, then make a left and you'll see a room with a glass door. That's the interview room. Philza Minecraft will be interviewing you today."

Tommy smiles lightly, "Thank you." So he walks inside the elevator to his right, and presses button seventy.

Tommy all the sudden got a little more nervous. Probably because Niki told him that the big man Philza Minecraft will be interviewing him. Philza Minecraft is the leader of the superhero's in the country, meaning that he's pretty powerful and trained. Tommy was always a fan of him, but this made him a little worried. Like just imagine if he gets the job, and Philza finds out that he's a vigilante? How would he react? Would he hate Tommy? Would he fire him? Who knows. That's only if he does get the job.

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