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Hey guys!! I'm finally back with another part lmaoo I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in like three weeks. I had three tests to do + I had covid for like a week so I was trying to get better and catch up on school work, but I promise I'll try to post more often! This part also has over 2k words, which I'm very proud of because that's the most words I've used so far for this au :)

No trigger warnings for this part. It's more of a comfort chapter! Hope y'all enjoy! <3

Tommy was on his way home from his first day of work, and he somehow became exhausted by the end of the day. It was around five thirty in the afternoon, the beaming sun was starting to set, trees swaying back and forth from the nice cool breeze. It felt like tranquility.

Tommy was thinking of not going on patrol tonight with Tubbo since he felt exhausted. Tubbo knew how tired he was this morning, so surely he would understand. He felt bad that he may be abandoning Tubbo tonight, but maybe Tubbo will take a break for tonight too. Who knows.

When Tommy walked into his and Tubbo's apartment, he saw Tubbo sitting on the couch working on his laptop with papers all over the glass coffee table. He didn't have bags under his eyes, so that gave a sign to Tommy that he's been sleeping properly. Tommy smiled and shut the door, then Tubbo looked up, giving his full attention on Tommy.

"How was your first day, bossman?"

"It went great." Tommy said with pride. "Other than the fact that I'm tired as fuck, I got to know the hero's more, and did some paperwork." He went to the kitchen and sat his work bag down on one of the stools by the counter.

Tubbo smiled at that, "That's awesome! I'm really proud of you, and if you want, we can both take a break from patrolling tonight. I have a fun idea we can do for tonight anyways."

Tommy raised his eyebrow out of curiosity and turned around to look at Tubbo. "Is that so?"

"Mhm!" Tubbo said with pure happiness as he looked at Tommy in the eyes. "I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover tonight with two of our friends!"

"Let me guess." Tommy said sarcastically. "Purpled and Ranboo?"

"Bingo." Tubbo said with a smile.

"Ughhhhhhh why tonight?" Tommy whined.

Tubbo chuckled. "Oh come onnnn! We haven't hung out with them in a while! The only time we really see them is when we patrol at night. We never really hang out with them outside of crime situations. Besides, I know you miss Purpled. You two are like besties. Other than me of course because I'm better than him."

Tommy chuckled and thought for a moment. He knew that Tubbo was right. He had missed Purpled for a while now. They've become pretty close ever since they first met a couple months ago. "Alright fine." Tommy said with a small smile appearing on his face.

"YAY!" Tubbo said in happiness. "I was really hoping you said yes because I already texted them to come over."

"Of course you did." Tommy smiled and then went to the coffee maker in the corner of the counter to make himself some coffee.

Tubbo noticed what Tommy was doing from the corner of his eye and made a concerned face. "Tommy."


"Why are you making coffee at-" he checks the time on his phone. "Five forty three?"

Tommy turned around to look at Tubbo while waiting for the coffee to be made and chuckled. "Well, if our friends are going to be coming over for a sleepover, I can't afford to be exhausted. Besides, I was the first one to fall asleep last time, and Purpled drew a mustache on me and balls on my arm with a sharpie. No way in hell I'm risking that again especially when I have work tomorrow."

Vigilante TommyWhere stories live. Discover now