Intresting Day

800 28 20

TW: Guns, slight blood? and strong language.

Tommy is still sleeping on the couch. Tubbo put a blanket over him a couple hours ago. He looks...peaceful. He's been sleeping for a couple hours, then Tubbo wakes him up.

"Tommy" Tubbo says while shaking him. "Wake the fuck up you dingus."

Tommy just mumbles in his sleep, being difficult. He's been sleeping for like three hours. How could a child be so tired? He woke up for his interview, then came back home and fell asleep again. Tubbo decides to play "The Annoying Card" while shaking him.






Tommy finally wakes up and stretches, then looks up at Tubbo. Tubbo is leaning over his face. "You can be pretty annoying sometimes, bee boy."

Tubbo chuckles, "Thanks for the compliment big man." He smiles, "Ready for patrol?"

Tommy sighs in an annoyed tone, clearly still tired somehow. "Right now?"

"Yes right now." Tubbo chuckles more. "That's our job after all, Theseus. We have to keep this town safe without the hero's getting in the way."

"Hmph fine, Bombuster." Tommy says, still annoyed and a bit cranky from how tired he is. To be fair, his and Tubbo's area have been getting a lot of activity lately,  crime wise, so that kinda explains why Tommy is so tired. He hasn't gotten much sleep the past couple of days.

Tommy gets up and goes to his bedroom to change into his vigilante gear. Tubbo on the other hand, is already in his gear. Tubbo's vigilante gear is pretty badass. It literally looks like an assassin outfit. He has a black mask covering his nose and mouth, has a black hood with black pants and boots, and the best of all, has a little pouch on the left side of his leg full of small bombs. Even though Tubbo does have bomb abilities, You can never have too much bomb, right?

Tubbo doesn't really care that the hero's know what his eyes look like. It's just his eyes, not his full face, but Tommy on the other hand, is pretty terrified of letting the hero's know what he looks like, so his outfit is simple. Nothing too crazy like Tubbo's. Just...simple.

Tommy's vigilante outfit is literally just a white hoodie that has red sleeves (looks like the famous Tommyinnit shirt, but in hoodie form), with black pants, red and white sneakers to match the hoodie, georgenotfound googles to cover his eyes and a black mask to cover his nose and mouth like Tubbo's. It's that simple.

Tommy walks out of his room and looks at Tubbo, "Let's go." He says, sounding like he just wants to get this over with that way he could go back to sleep.

Tubbo looks at Tommy a bit worried, as he should, "Toms, if you're still tired, you don't have to go it's fine."

"No no no I'll go with you." Tommy smiles lightly but tiredly under his mask. "We're a team after all."

Tubbo sighs, still a bit worried, but he nods. "Alright Toms."

They both climb out a window. If they walked out of their apartment, and someone saw them in their vigilante gear, that would be a huge problem, so they decided to go out the window with less of a risk. Tommy summons some of his red energy onto his hand. He boosts Tubbo and himself over to a rooftop on a building. They both land on the rooftop, but Tubbo does a fancy landing just to show off.

Tommy mumbles, "fuckin' show off. Prick."

"Hm?" Says Tubbo, not hearing what Tommy said.

Tommy looks down at Tubbo, "you're such a show off."

Vigilante TommyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant