Green Eyes

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Hey guys! Welcome back to another chapter! I'm very sorry that this is short! I promise that next chapter will be longer! <3

No trigger warnings! Hope you all enjoy <3


It was now Sunday morning, around twelve-ten in the afternoon. Tubbo was in the kitchen working on his laptop on the counter. He was wearing a yellow hoodie with black sweatpants, while Tommy just got out of bed. Tommy got dressed into a soft pale pink colored hoodie with blue jeans, and brushed his hair.
When he walked out of his bedroom to go to the kitchen, he could feel Tubbo's eyes stare at him. Tommy just ignored him and made himself some coffee with French Vanilla creamer.

"You know," Tubbo began as he broke the silence, "It was pretty shitty of you to just leave me on the floor last night."

Tommy chuckled, "Well, I would have helped you, but half of me felt like you didn't deserve my help. You probably would've given me attitude anyways. I wasn't going to deal with that shit. Besides, you seem to be fine now, so I don't regret it."

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "Yeah I'm fine, but still. You should have checked on me like a good best friend."

Tommy turned to look at Tubbo and his eyes widened a bit. Tubbo's eyes were emerald green. They used to be blue like Tommy's, but now they're green, and that's not normal. Unless if Tubbo has green contacts in or something, but why would he have colored contacts in? It's not like he's cosplaying or anything.

Whenever Tommy saw the color green or if someone ever mentioned the color green to him, it would immediately remind him of Dream. Dream loved the color green. Tommy's eyes widened more as he slowly put the pieces together in his mind.

The Dream Team didn't fight them that night they offered Tommy and Tubbo to join them and the other villains, but was Dream the reason why Tubbo was acting so weird? Was he manipulating him this entire time? Is Dream the reason why Tubbo has been acting like a bitch and Tommy didn't realize until now? This was a problem. A huge problem actually. Tommy started to panic. His heart was pounding inside his chest.

Tubbo just stared at Tommy with a confused look, "What?"

"Your eyes...t-they're green.." Tommy stuttered.

"And? Green is a lovely color, don't you think?"Tubbo smiled at the thought.

"Tubbo," Tommy began, "Your eyes weren't originally green...they used to be blue...this isn't the real you, is it..?" Tommy said with concern.

"Maybe, maybe not." Tubbo giggled.

Tommy's eyes widened more at the thought. He needed to save his best friend from this torture, control, and maybe even pain..

"Tubs..this isn't you...the real you is kind, loving, smart, funny, caring, and so much more! You're not mean or cruel." Tommy said in a soft voice, almost comforting.

Tubbo glared at him with disgust, "This is me Tommy! This has always been m-"

"No, it's not." Tommy cut him off. "This is not you. Not at all. You're under Dream's control..Tubbo if you can hear me in there, I know you can break out of it...I believe in you.."

Tubbo's right eye twitched a bit as his eye color flashed back and forth between the emerald green and the sky blue color, and Tommy smiled.

"That's it're almost there.." Tommy smiled more as the emerald green color faded away. Tubbo looked up at him with pure fear in his ocean blue eyes and cried. Tommy pulled Tubbo into a warm, comforting hug.

"'re okay toms is're free." Tommy said in a comforting tone, "I'm so sorry that I got mad at you for something that wasn't even your fault.."

Tubbo cried into Tommy's chest and stuttered, "I-it's okay toms..I-I should be the one who's saying sorry...y-you got mad because of me and what I was saying to you.."

"But none of that was your fault. It was Dream's, and he's gonna pay." Tommy growled under his breath, still hugging Tubbo, not letting go.

Tubbo sighed and wiped his tears away, "You sure it's okay..?"

"Positive." Tommy smiled, "It's okay trust me. Dream's gonna pay for what he's done to you. We're gonna make him regret it."

Tubbo nodded and smiled back at the taller boy, "What's the plan, boss man?"

Tommy smirked, "Well, since the villains only appear at night time, we could show up at the abandoned facility and kick their asses. We'll confront them about it, and just let it go on from there."

Tubbo smirked at the thought, "Love it. But are you sure we're trained enough to fight them? I mean, we never fought the Dream Team before."

Tommy thought for a moment, then responded. "You have a point, but Dream was the one who caused this whole thing. 404 and Blaze don't have manipulation powers. Dream does. 404 and Blaze may have encouraged him to do it, but Dream had a choice, and he decided to hurt you. To torture you. To control you. I will not let that slide. We won't let that slide. We are going to request to fight Dream only. If he decides that there should be more than just him fighting, and more villains come into play, we'll be ready. We're powerful, and we've been training for months. Ever since we became vigilantes. We got this, and if anything bad happens, we could always ask Purpled, Ranboo, and Quackity to come help.

Tubbo smiled big, "You're right toms. Maybe we should bring them along just in case."

"Yeah." Tommy smiled, "Good idea Tubs."

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