Best Friend Problems

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Hi guys! Welcome back to another chapter! I currently have like 4 days off of school rn, so I can write more in my free time which is great!

I'm very sorry that this chapter is a little shorter than the previous chapter! I didn't really have a lot of things planned for this one, but hopefully next chapter will be longer! (No promises tho <3)

I hope you guys enjoy <3

TW: tiny bit of angst/another argument

It was near seven twelve at night. Wilbur thought it was a nice idea to take Tommy back to his and Tubbo's apartment since it was dark, and that way he was sure that Tommy wouldn't get mugged. L'manberg wasn't the nicest town. Things would happen here and there, so Wilbur was just being protective of the gremlin child. Plus, he wanted to make sure that Tommy was safe tonight with Tubbo with his own eyes. If violence started to happen while Wilbur was there, that would be an immediate red flag and he would take Tommy to the Sbi household.

While they were walking, Tommy looked up at the sky for a moment. The silver stars were glistening move them, along with the big full moon with no clouds surrounding it. The sky was beautiful. It was lovely. There are so many words to describe it. They continued walking, and Wilbur started humming a song to himself while Tommy quietly listened.

When they arrived at Tommy's apartment, Wilbur smiled lightly looking at his home.

"Huh." Wilbur said in acknowledgement, "This is one lovely apartment you got here. I honestly didn't expect it to look this nice."

"Oh, thanks." Tommy smiled, "The outside may look nice, but the inside is a little messy so."

"Ah, well, I guess this is goodbye for now?" Wilbur chuckled.

Tommy chuckled as well, "Yeah, I guess so." He turned to look up at the hero, "I'll see you on Monday, yeah?"

"Of course." Wilbur smiled, "Have a good night Tommy. Call me if you need anything at all, alright?"

Tommy smiled back, "Will do big man. Good night Wilbur." Tommy turned around to face the door, pulling out a key from his pocket and opened the apartment door. He walked inside, and shut the door behind him.

Tubbo was on the couch watching the news on the tv. When Tommy shut the door, he noticed Tubbo turning his head to look at who walked inside their apartment. Tubbo seemed tired, but still had that pissed-off-sassy-Tubbo face from earlier today. He didn't look angry though. He just looked...annoyed. Yeah, that's the word for it. Annoyed. It's like he was all happy and dandy until Tommy arrived back at home. It's crazy how some people's emotions change just like that in a split second.

"I would say it's nice to see you," Tubbo began, "But it's not nice to lie."

Tommy just shrugged, "Believe me, I rather be somewhere else right now than to be in the same building as you. Still don't know why you're acting like a bitch after everything I've done for you today, but whatever."

Tubbo scoffed, "I'M acting like a bitch? I'm pretty sure you're just talking about yourself."

Tommy rolled his eyes, "Tubbo, do you even hear yourself right now? Do you hear how ridiculous you are? How am I the bitch when you've been acting like one all fucking day?! I've been nothing but nice to you, and you go ahead and treat me like absolute shit? What's gotten into you?"

Tubbo laughed, "I'm perfectly fine Tommy! How many times do I have to tell you that?! You're like a dog that doesn't understand it's owner or like a toddler that doesn't listen to their parents."

Tommy growled under his breath. This is what Tubbo wants. He wants Tommy to get angry. That's what gives him the motivation to keep going, but no no no big man Tommyinnit cannot allow that. Instead of just yelling at Tubbo, he takes a deep breath.

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