Bee boy? More like Bitch Boy /j

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Hello! Welcome to another chapter! Im very proud of this chapter because it's almost at 2k words which is very impressive to me LMAO plus! You guys get some crimeboys duo content, so that's nice!

Credit for an idea in this chapter: my bestie tysm <3


TW: some angst/argument

It was around eleven-forty-seven in the morning. It was Saturday, so Tommy and Tubbo didn't have work, which was somewhat nice. Tommy didn't have to worry about hero paperwork, meetings, or trying to keep control of his powers because at this point, who knows what could happen these days. Tommy could loose control of his powers at any moment if he ever got upset or angry at work, but he didn't need to worry about any of that today. He was with Tubbo. He was safe with Tubbo, and that's all that mattered.

Tubbo on the other hand, still has to do college work, but at least he can stay in his comfy bee pajamas while doing so. The two best friends were just laying down in Tubbo's bed like yesterday. Tommy thought it was a good idea to sleep with Tubbo another night just to make sure he didn't have another nightmare, which he did, but soon got comforted and got pulled into a warm hug by Tommy's arms. Once Tubbo calmed down from the nightmare, Tommy went to go change while Tubbo stayed in his comfy pajamas and went to the kitchen. They truly are best friends, your honor.

Tubbo was just doing college work with papers scattered all over the kitchen table while Tommy was making himself some coffee with a bit of French Vanilla creamer to perk himself up for the day. He was wearing his favorite red and white shirt while wearing some jeans and white Addis's shoes. Tubbo on the other hand, was wearing a bee onesie that looked very comfortable and soft. Tommy took a sip of his coffee, then looked at Tubbo.

"How are you feeling now, Tubbo?"

"I'm fine." Tubbo said. Keeping his eyes on his computer screen, typing loudly on the keys.

Tommy raised an eyebrow, "You sure? You don't sound fine."

Tubbo rolled his eyes in annoyance, "I said I'm fine, Tommy." he snapped. Still keeping his eyes on his computer screen.

"Tubbo," Tommy began, "You can tell me if something is wrong. You know that. Is something bothering you?" Tommy said with concern.

"The only thing that's bothering me right now is you." Tubbo said with a bit of sass in his voice, a bit of attitude.

Why was Tubbo all the sudden being a bitch? Tommy literally comforted him from another nightmare, then asked him how Tubbo was after it, and he has the audacity to give him the eye roll? The audacity to give Tommy attitude after everything he just did for his best friend? How dare someone give The Big Man Tommyinnit attitude? Plus, Tommy isn't a "Thing". He's a person. He's a human being with emotions, with human characteristics. It's not like he's an object or a non-living thing that has personification.

Tommy raised his eyebrow a bit more, kind of shocked that Tubbo all the sudden snapped at him for no reason. Maybe he's just too focused on his work and I'm bothering him, Tommy thought to himself. Tommy just shrugged and pushed it off. Tubbo has his moody days. Maybe he was just being moody for no reason.

They both just stood there in silence until there was a ring! Sound coming from Tommy's phone. Tommy grabbed his phone from his pocket, and saw that none other than Wilbur Soot calling him. Ah, Poltergeist. Why would he be calling Tommy out of all people? Tommy's just a coworker, a helper. It's not like he's that important to Wilbur of anything. Plus, it's Saturday! He doesn't have work on Saturday. At least that's what he thought.

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