Extreme Measurements

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A man stood by an old, almost run down looking telephone. He sighed, slowly picking it up and putting the receiver to ear and dialing a number before waiting. The phone quickly unfolding into a high-tech retinal scanner. He leaned down as it began to scan his baby blue eyes.

'Welcome Agent Hunt' an automated voice said into the telephone. 'Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rescue and recover Agent Aurora Aspen from the Russian Mafia Leader Alexei Corvani. She has gotten to deep and is starting to loose communication with IMF operatives. You must bring her back to IMF for a debriefing. She must be kept alive. Your team as already been chosen for you, Agents Carter, Dunn, and Brandt, as always if you or any member of your team are caught or killed. The secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions. Good luck. This message will self destruct in five seconds.' The automotive voice said as Ethan hung up the phone and turned around to the van behind him, slowly starting to walk away before he turned back and flicked the phone. Smoke coming out of it.

"Whats the Mission?" Jane asked as she looked at Ethan slightly worried.

"Aurora Aspen..code name Borealis." Ethan said as Brandt got a look of horror on his face.

'Aurora?! You mean the Aurora??!' He said as Benji looked over at him confused.

'What? Why is Aurora important?' Benji asked gently.

"Aurora is why we have alot of the intelligence on the infamous Corvani Mafia. She's the woman that most of the world is hunting and is trying to kill and is on multiple lists in multiple military and government systems." Ethan said softly as he looked up at his team. "Shes in deep shit if we have to come get her.." he said trying to remain calm.

"Wait do you know Aurora?" Jane asked, now worried with Ethans reaction to telling them the information on her.

"Yea..I put her in prison four years ago..and she's not going to be happy to see me." Ethan said as he hopped into the van and they all drove off together. "The only thing we need to do is activate her code name given for the mission and get her out. But she's hard to catch, hard to track, and hard to pin down without getting shot, stabbed, or at least injured in the process..." he said as he was getting equipment ready.

'So what you are saying Ethan, is that to capture her. She's going to take high road isn't she?' Benji said as he was driving to an airfield.

"Shes as extreme as they come Benji..she goes beyond protocol, beyond her own limits and pushes everyone around her to do the same. Its either her protocol or there is no other option.." Ethan said sighing as a picture of what Aurora looks like now came up on a computer screen. "Okay people, this is what Aurora looks like. She will be armed, and is extremely dangerous if we do not activate her Codename when we see her. Jane can you-"

"Done, running her face through every camera in Moscow and checking banks for massive deposits." Jane said smiling as Ethan shook his head.

"Lets go get her guys.." Ethan said, looking up at the photo of the last time Aurora was seen. "See you soon.." he mumbled to himself quietly.

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