The Cops and the Mistakes

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Aurora slowly sat up from the bed, yawning abit. It was close to midnight when she looked at the clock. A arm wrapped around her waist as William sat up.

'Whats the time sugar?' He asked kissing her shoulder and neck, running another hand through her hair.

Aurora huffed gently. "Its eleven fifty-five Will..we gotta start packing to leave since we are apparently leaving tonight.." she said yawning as she pulled away slowly, getting dressed as William stood up behind her and put on his boxers and pants.

'You okay? I'd understand if you aren't and I'll try to help..' Will said softly to her.

"Im fine Brandt, I promise I'm fine." She said as she reached up, grabbing the string on the ceiling and pulling it to turn the light on. Aurora smiled as she turned around, smiling at Brandt. "This is staying between us okay?" She said walking over as William was putting a shirt on, who looked over at her and smiled.

'Of course. IMF wouldn't want two of there agents being together.' He said kissing her forehead as he handed her a shirt. 'Here. Now we gotta get going. I'll pack all of our stuff so we can leave quickly. Go get something to eat okay?' He said kneeling down and start to pack his and her stuff into two separate dufflebags.

Aurora huffed as she walked out of the room to see Benji and Ethan packing up the equipment. "Hey, yall okay?" She asked, gulping abit as she silently prayed that they didn't hear them over packing equipment.

"Just fine Aspen. You okay?" Ethan asked stepping toward her and pulling her into him with one hand.

"Im fine Hunt. Just fine.." she said smiling gently at him as she backed up and began to help with packing up the equipment. Sighing knowing Ethan would ask later in the plane, instead of right now. She just continued to hum while packing.

Ethan was curious as to why she was blowing him off, but decided not to question it. Instead he kept packing as William walked out of the sleeping area with four duffle bags.

___________On the Road__________

Aurora sat quietly in the van with her teammates, staring at the floor as she began to wonder if everything was worth it. The mission, the passion, the..everything. She was staying quiet in the van as all three men where talking around her, not noticing her quietness as they arrived at the private air strip before getting stopped by the local police.

Ethan sighed as he opened the side door and got out, speaking in Russian to the police trying to get them to move out of the way. Right after William stepped out and also began to argue before starting to fight the four cops. Benji ducked as guns went off.

Aurora didn't move from her spot in the van, seeming to be staring off into space. She snapped back as a bullet flew past her head. Aurora stepped out of the van with a handgun, she shot the first officer in Ethans headlock before kicking the second officer in the chest into his own vehicle as William had already handled the other two cops. "Men..need a woman to finish the job.." she snarled out as she walked back to the van as Ethan stood in shock as William laughed. All getting back into the van and to the plane and getting on. Aurora immediately laid her seat back in the back down abit before going to sleep as the boys talked. Ethan glanced at Aurora, a shine coming to his eyes dispite being mad at her still..

Mission Impossible: ValhallaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora