So Close, Yet so Far.

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[Two days later]

"Holy Jesus Alexei.." Aurora said growling as she was laying on a boxing room floor. "You trying to get me set to the medics?" She asked slowly standing up as Alexei rolled his eyes.

'If you wish to live, you'll go to the medics anyway.' The Russian said taking off the boxing gloves he had on and throwing them to the side. 'You can take a hit that's for sure Joanna.' He said smirking at her.

Aurora nodded as she took off her gloves and gently set them aside before sliding out of the ring. "Oh Alexei, I am to remind you of the meeting tomorrow with new members for the group that could get us even more access to the American and Italian governments." She said as Alexei came up behind her.

'Ah, I'm sure you can handle them yourself Joanna. After all, Ive trusted you with my business once before. I'm sure you'll give me good results as always.' He said before walking away down a concrete hallway.

Aurora took a breath as she leaned against the table, her hands into her hair as she combed it back. "I need out.." she mumbled, referring to her getting out of the Mafia pool she was sucked into. "IMF better be sending people to come get me.." she whispered to herself as she stood up and walked down a different concrete hallway before hearing a clicking noise. The redhead looked around before noticing a flashing light down a separate hall. "Hello?" She called out in a heavy russian accent. "Who are you?" She asked as she got to the end and noticed it was just an extra light left on. Aurora shrugged and reached up, pulling the worn down string to turn it off and walked away back to what she was doing. Little did she know...Ethan was way above her, watching..
--------------Ethans Perspective-------------
Ethan slowly dropped from the ceiling quietly as Aurora walked away. He stared at her as she walked, alot about her changed since he saw her last. "Shes here." Ethan whispered as Aurora turned the corner and continued to walk away.

'Okay Ethan, remember: Set up security cameras only so we can have a full range of their basement level which is where we'll be tomorrow for our supposed interviews. Also how did you manage to set that up without coming into contact with her?' Benji asked as Jane and William where setting up equipment for tomorrow.

"I set up a meeting with a broker Benji, simple as that." He said as he began to place small black cameras around the place, careful to avoid any conflict with any of the guards patrolling the basement. "God she's as beautiful as I remember Benji..." Ethan whispered as he hid behind a wall. "Tall, strong, extreme independent...shes also a damn good agent that has to be pulled out of assignment.." he said as he continued to sneak around.

'Ethan..are you compromised?' Benji asked as Jane and William looked over at Benji who shurgged.

"What do you mean Benji?" Ethan asked as he froze in place. "What do you mean am I compromised?"

'Well Ethan- I know you two had a history together..just wanna make sure that isn't going to cloud up any of your already Foggy judgement.' Benji said sighing. 'Just looking out for ya Hunt..'

"Im fine not compromised.." Ethan said but knew deep down he probably was. When her and him where together everything was more dangerous, more exciting, and the higher the payout was. "Im fine I promise, we just need to wait till tomorrow right?" He said as he got the cameras set up and began to sneak out the way he came in, sighing as he sat on the roof top of the old warehouse, sighing. "Okay..all set up now we-" he said looking over toward his escape and saw Aurora standing on the roof staring him down. "Shit..shes looking me dead in the face guys..." Ethan warned as he slowly got up.

"Hello..spy.." she said her gun pointed right at him.

"Hello Aurora.." Ethan said with his hands up, the sun behind him slowly rising.

She froze, having not heard her actual name in a long, long time. "How do you know that?! Who are you!?" She called out, her gun slightly shaking as she pointed it at Ethan.

"Hey hey..Please put the gun down..guys what do I do?" Ethan mumbled the last part.

'Get out ethan. Now get out. She cannot come in right now we don't have the equipment set up!' Benji called out as William ran out and hopped in a car, driving out to the warehouse.

"Standby." He mumbled as he looked at Aurora. "Agent Aspen..please..come home.." he said holding his hand out to her. " can come in now or tomorrow..but you gotta come home now.." he said slowly walking toward her as the gun was shaking.

"No! I don't know who you are or how you know my name, but you will not survive!" She said before hearing honking and turning around to look for it.

Ethan quickly slid down the side of the roof and onto the ground, running toward where he could possibly be found by William.

Aurora turned and watched as Ethan ran. She aimed her gun and fired shot after shot, only managing to graze his arm and neck as he ran. "Crap.." she mumbled before slowly fitting puzzle pieces together who he could be. " can't be.." she mumbled before sitting down on the roof. "It can't be..he can't be..." she whispered, trying to convince herself that tomorrow would be a better day as long as he, whoever that is didn't show up tomorrow..

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