Extraction: Pointdawn

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[Next day: 7:04am]

Ethan laid on the bed he had slept in that night. He had been up and thinking of Aurora. He hadn't seen her that scared since the Dubai mission. Normally knowing she wouldn't hesitate to shoot anyone in her way. He slowly sat up as he came to a realization, walking out to the team who was making last minute preparations. "She knows we are here to take her out.." he said looking up as Benji and William looked up at him.

'How do you know that Hunt?' William asked crossing his arms in his sliver dress shirt.

"She didn't shoot me.." he said with clear bandages on his neck and arm.

'Yea she did Ethan- she got your arm and neck..' Benji pointed out.

"No no you don't understand! She didn't shoot me! On that rooftop, she had a clear shot she could've taken. She could've shot me in the head and this mission would be over before it even started. But she didnt Benji..the Aurora we know is still in there!" Ethan said smiling as Benji rolled his eyes.

'Holy Jesus Ethan, you are a genius..' Benji said smiling as William looked more confused than anything.

'So her shooting you in the arm and neck was what? Mercy?' William asked as he put his head in his hands sighing. 'Jesus ethan, I thought you where kidding when you said she was extreme..'

"Why would I joke about that Brandt? I have nothing to gain from telling you it's a joke." Ethan asked bluntly, a scoff rolling out of his mouth. "But she knows..I could feel it. We have to get her out today, no matter the cost..she has to come home now.."

Ethan slowly walked up to the warehouse with William and Jane by his side. "Remember, in and out with Aurora in tow.." he said as everyone nodded. "Okay..at least we know coms work." He said chuckling as Jane rolled her eyes.

Aurora was waiting outside of the gate for those three. "Hey." She called out as Ethan, William and Jane stopped and looked up. "You three new?" She asked slowly walking toward them as Ethan looked down.

'Yes ma'am we are!' William said walking up to her and holding his hand out, trying to be formal.

She looked down at his hand and slowly gripped it with her own, her knucles being bruised, her arms showing cuts, scrapes and scratches on it. "Welcome." She mumbled as she walked over to the gate, holding up two fingers and swinging them around to a camera, then the gate opened as she walked in. "Welcome to our facilities, don't touch anything and don't look at anyone you don't know other than me for the first the weeks." She said as guard opened a stairwell door for her and all four of them walked down the stairs. "Okay. Remember, look down and don't speak to anyone." She said as she knocked on a metal door, a guard opening it and a massive ton of noise filled the once quiet stairwell as she walked through. It was a drug production and packaging plant as she walked by waving to armed guards, the people packaging and many more. Aurora then knocked on another door, it opening and her stepping out of the way so the three 'newbies' could walk in. It was once again another stairwell as she cut infront of Ethan, he gently tagged her shirt with a small tracker.

'Okay Ethan the tracker is working.' Benji said over coms as they continue to walk down a few flights of stairs.

"Okay. Time for interviews! Personally my favorite part! You'll met our leader Alexei and official be indoctrination into our little group!" Aurora said with a giddy in her voice as she opened the door and allowed the group to walk into a quiet large, open room.

"What are we doing in here Ms..?" Ethan asked softly, knowing she was about to give out most likely her fake identity given to her by the IMF.

"Joanna Alanine." She said holding her hand out to Ethan. "And you are..?" Aurora asked smiling.

"Im Ethan. Just Ethan." He said gently taking her hand into his and rubbing her knuck before kissing her hand.

She was a little surprised but smiled gratefully. "Thank you Ethan! Very well mannered, Alexei will enjoy that!" She said as a side door from the room opened and in walked Alexei.

'Ah yes! My newbies! How are you??' He asked as Aurora slowly slid her hand away, but winked at Ethan as she walked over to Alexei. 'Woww! You look like a very strong and wise group! Better than the youngsters joining just to look cool but do none of the work for it.' He said rolling his eyes before turning to the redhead. 'I assume Joanna introduced herself and made you all aware of what you are to do over the next couple of days yes?'

Ethan slowly stepped forward, still looking down as to not cause a problem. "Sir if I may."

'Ah! Go ahead, ask any questions you like!' Alexei said as he gently put his arm around Joanna.

"What do you know about the Aurora Borealis?" He asked before glancing up at Aurora.

Aurora smiled over at him before hearing his words, the woman freezing as she held her head gently. "Oooo.." she groaned gently as Alexei turned to her.

'You okay dar-' he was cut off by a elbow to the face, knocking him out for a few minutes.

Ethan rushed over and slowly knelt down infront of her as Jane and William moved and tied up Alexeis body. "Hey..hey..shhh we got you now Aurora.." he said softly as Aurora leaned over and shoved her head into Ethans chest, starting to sob.

"I thought no one was gonna come! That the IMF forgot about me being on assignment for the past few years!" She blurted out as Ethan gently scooped her up and sighed.

"Its okay..we got you now, now all we have to do is get you out of here.."

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