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Ethan sat in shock at the news that he had a daughter. A living, breathing daughter who was not in this life but in the life he could have had. "Can I meet her soon!?" He asked Aurora, who nodded as they both sat next to one another with hands being held and some tears shed. "I can't believe I have a child..and with someone I.." he mumbled the rest as he looked over at Aurora. "Aurora..will you marry me?.." he asked softly. "I don't have any rings right now..but.." he grabbed some paper from the plane and began to rip, tear and fold the papers into two rings. "All I have is paper right now.." he said softly to her.

Aurora smiled at this gesture as she teared up and nodded. "Yes..yes I will marry you.." she said crying now as she hugged him before kissing him as William and Benji clapped and cheered. William was.. disappointed to say the least..but maybe their kid would be happy to know mom and dad got together.

Ethan was relieved as he held her close and slipped the ring on her finger as they entered American airspace and treated to two fighter jets guiding them to a military air strip. Once off the plane Ethan just held Aurora close and began to spin her around in the air. She couldn't help it now but to laugh, to smile, to feel this overwhelming sense of joy..

"Momma?!" A girl screamed as she came running from a black SUV. Aurora turned and smiled as she knelt down and held out her arms. "Come here Florence!" She said smiling and crying as the girl took off toward her, agents unable to catch her till she was in Aurora's arms and both of them smiling and crying. "Momma who's that man..?" She spoke softly looking at Ethan. "Florence, meet your daddy..his name is Ethan Hunt.." she said softly to her daughter. Florence looked at Ethan, having his brown hair but her mother's stunning blue eyes as she stared at him. "Hi daddy.." she said softly.

Ethan teared up a bit as he looked at his daughter. "Hi sweet girl.." he said as he held out his arms to her.

Florence wasn't sure what to do but after some hesitation she reached out to him and now she was in his arms, wearing a cute little summer dress and her brown hair in two little buns.

"You know..I'm going to give you the life I wish I had.." he said holding her close as he tried not to break down crying..he was going to give her better than he ever had..and possibly more..

----The End[?]-----

Hello everyone! As I'm sure you all are disappointed by the chapter before this but I wanted to redeem myself with a sweet and heart-puller chapter. I wanted to let you guys know this is the official last chapter of this- but this is not the end of the Hunt legacy. Little Ms. Florence has her own! It's called Shattered Scars and it is going to be a WILD ride with Age-gap romance, mafia, family drama, and so much more! So please check out Shattered Scars for the continuing story of this Hunt family (please keep in mind that in shattered scars it does jump to when Florence is about 21 to 22 years old) anyway thank you guys so much for making this story my most popular far and I hope you all get to enjoy Florence's journey! Thank you!

Mission Impossible: ValhallaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora