A Battle of Minds

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"Really Aurora." The voice scoffed in disgust. "Pathetic. You look ridiculous." The voice growled out before laughing hard.

The poor redhead covered her ears in a panicked state. "No..no I had you handled! I had you handled!" She yelled, the team confused and trying to talk to her, asking her who's there and what's going.

"Seriously Aurora? You are starting to look crazy againnn~" the voice cooed before cackling.

Aurora growled under her breath before tuning her ears back into William and benjis voice. "Im okay guys..sorry.."

'You sure sugar?' Will asked as they where untying Ethan in a room full of dead or unconscious guards. 'We got Ethan- here he is-' he said giving Ethan a com.

"Aurora? Is the voice back?" Ethans voice said as Aurora sighed.

"Unfortunately..he's calling me crazy and..and.." she mumbled softly going off on a unhinged tangent.

Ethan sighed and looked over at William with a blank face. "She forgot to take her medication- it's in the store room two doors down. Should have a blue label on it." He said sighing as William just nodded, slowly walking down the hall.

Benji looked over confused. 'I'm sorry- the bloody hell is she on?'

"Benji..she.." he mumbled before taking out his com and turning off benjis com. "Shes suffering Benji..my voice has haunted her. It's why she was almost taken off the field..I convinced them to let her stay on the condition she takes her medicine. This is what happens after a few days of not having it. Can you imagine what it would be like to suffer like this all the time? Of every day?" He asked, getting kinda angry before sighing. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you..shes just important to me so I'm trying to keep her safe.."

'Got it! Let's go!' William said walking back down the hall as Ethan and Benji just nodded and followed Will all the way out to the van. Benji sighing.

'Sorry mate..I didn't realize..' he said as he started up the van and high tailed it to the main road, turning his com on.

Ethan shurgged. "You just can't mention it okay? She'll get pissed that people other than me and the counsel know.." he put his head in his hands and sighed. "Why does everything have to be so complicated?"

William gently spoke up. 'Because this is IMF..if it wasn't complex we would be doing it..'

Ethan chuckled. "Very true..Aurora is probably turning on all the cameras right?" He asked speaking to the com..

Heavy breathing and muffled screaming filled the coms of all three men. 'She isn't doing anything for you ever again Hunt. She's allll mineee~' said a male voice as Benji hit the breaks before turning to Ethan and Will.

'Is that..?' He mumbled softly.

Ethan shot up. "Give her back!!" He yelled as the male in coms laughed. "GIVE HER BACK!!" He shouted as the com could be heard getting thrown on the ground.

'Say hello princess~' said a male voice before Aurora came through. "LEAVE! GO HOME! DONT-" it was cut off before she could finish.

Ethan growled as he grabbed a water bottle and went outside. They where in the remote part of the drive back so Ethan stepped out and screamed, screamed loudly and violently threw the water bottle at the ground...

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