Cutting Flowers // Angst(A)

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Note: The following consists of mentioned suicide, depression and cutting. If you dislike the shown content then please withdraw your (knightmare) attention at once!

During a sunny day at Ashford Academy, Lelouch, Nunnally and Suzaku spent time at a somewhat forest-like place at campus. Located at the west was the Lamperouge Residence and on the South-West is the school.

Lelouch went under one of the large trees by the sidewalk and rested. He began on thinking about his next move on Britannia after the Narita incident. On the other hand, Suzaku spotted a flower garden near them and quickly left Nunnally with Lelouch to fetch a rose.

As he came back, he knelt down in front of Nunnally. "Nunnally, here." Suzaku says, handing the rose to the crippled girl. "I cut off the thorns so that you wouldn't get scratched".

Nunnally smiles and takes the rose from his hands gently. She places her index finger on the petals and somehow found out it was a pink rose. "Well, there's not quite a huge difference but a pink rose petal has a softer texture while the red rose petal has a much more hard edge texture." She explained.

"Is that so? That's a pretty cool skill you have" Suzaku laughs. Lelouch sees and smiles, knowing that he can fully trust Suzaku with Nunnally in his hands. But Nunnally's curiosity decided to peek in. She asks "Why are you cutting those flowers?"

Suzaku doesn't understand why she asked that type of question and it catches him off guard. Even so, he shrugs it of as a casual conversation starter as he finds an answer to it. "Well, Nunnally," he starts, "because they're really pretty!". Because of Nunnally's blindness, she can't see anything. So he wanted to make her know that not everything became bad and dark because of their current world's state.

Nunnally doesn't really buy this because she remembers to have somewhat heard him say something opposite of what he said right now. She's confused and so,"I thought you said you cut yourself 'cause you're not" she says, biting both of her lips inwards, sucking her cheeks and pointing at him.

Suzaku this time, is caught off guard. Lelouch hears this and his head turns to the two as quick as Flash. Suzaku hurriedly stands up with his legs shaking. "N-nunnally, what are you talking about?" He says, stuttering in the process. His eyes grow wide as it shines from the current waters inside trying to seep out. The same is said for Lelouch, his eyes have also grown wide while thinking of 34 possible explanations why Nunnally said something like that.

No, maybe she meant "cut yourself" like, as in....paper cut?!  Maybe it was an unintentional  cut! Of course if it were intentional then...but, why?! Suzaku wouldn't be,,,, depressed- No! But, what if he is? What if he's suicidal, is that why he'd cut himself? Wait hold! How'd Nunnally know? She said she heard him say that.....whatever, but when? Could it have been yesterday? Or the other day? No, focus! Did Nunnally eavesdrop on Suzaku? But then, Suzaku would have done the thing here at campus if Nunnally were to hear it. Where was he yesterday? Wait, what if he did it at school?! What if somebody saw him?! Shit, this is bad. I can't have anybody know about this--- I mean, it's already bad enough that Nunnally knows! If the whole school were to find out, Suzaku would be in danger of bullying and possible torture. They'd torture him by calling him names or hate on his ethnicity- or maybe encourage him to commit suicide- or maybe, maybe, maybe---

"But yesterday you said!-"...

"Suzaku show me your wrists" Lelouch says as he pins Suzaku to a wall in the Lamperouge house. It was 8 PM in the evening and Nunnally went upstairs already after eating. Lelouch made sure Sayoko would leave sooner so that he could confront Suzaku, and she did.

Suzaku knew he could easily get out of Lelouch's grip, he could slide under his arm if he wanted to. And Lelouch saw through this so he moved even closer to Suzaku, closing any openings Suzaku may be able to escape through. In this case, Suzaku would have to push Lelouch away and/or hurt him if he wanted to break free from this awkward situation.

Suzaku's voice pitched and his eyes avoided Lelouch's glare. "I...don't know what you mean. I-I'm fine, really!" Suzaku denied. Lelouch wasn't having any of this and forcefully grabbed Suzaku's wrist. Suzaku squirms and yells in pain, knowing and feeling that the cuts were still fresh. In a couple of seconds of fighting and resisting, Suzaku finally got under Lelouch and Lelouch just kneeled Suzaku's leg in order for him not to stand.

Lelouch finally folded the cuff sleeves and saw hundreds, if not, thousands(okay a bit dramatic) of cut wounds. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, he stared into the forearm for what maybe felt like days.
Lelouch dropped his head, as to what Suzaku saw, the guy was dissapointed. Lelouch immediately checks for his other arm and the same amount of scars were there as well. Lelouch squinted his eyes, almost closing them, not wanting to see what his best friend did to himself. He caressed Suzaku's palm with his left thumb and gently touched the forearm scars with his right hand.

Suzaku let's out a tear and tries to hide his face. "I'm sorry, I-I'm so s-sorry" he says, shaking.
Lelouch hesitates, but hugs him anyway, and pushes Suzaku's head onto his shoulder. "Just tell me. Don't do this to yourself. I'll always be here for you".


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