Chapter 11: My Dreams Are Whack

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An: there's some language in this one. Just a warning. It's not heavy, but it does appear. So I guess a trigger warning is issued.

Percy's POV:

I'll be honest. I did feel a bit bad about potentially leaving demigods in the water, but the risk was high for us, and I'm not risking my ship nor the lives of my crew.

We returned home early in the morning, with the Ares cabin cleaning the cannons and treating them like they were their kids. Some even kissed their cannon goodbye.

Argus was waiting for us at the end of the dock and helped moor the ship, thankfully not questioning the actions of the Ares cabin.

"Thanks, Argus," I said as everyone disembarked.

"I gotta get me one of these," Clarisse mumbled. Great. I may be raising demigod pirating from the dead.

My sisters seemed glad about getting off the ship, except for Zoë. I think it made her feel closer to her mother, but I am unsure.

"Go deliver a report with Beckendorf," Annabeth said

"We'll catch breakfast with your sisters," Thalia added.

I groaned, forgetting about that part. I still have to give Chiron a battle report with Beckendorf. It's not Beckendorf that's the problem. It's the report. I don't want to provide one.

I jogged to the big house, knowing it was still a bit early for the horse, so that I could get this over with quickly.

I delivered my report stating the mission's success, but enemy casualty numbers are unknown.

"Thanks for informing me," Chiron stated as Perseus fell asleep during the report.

"Any updates on Typhon," I asked.

Chiron looked down like he didn't want to tell, but he resigned himself. "The gods failed at containing him. He escaped to the mortal world last night."

I nodded in acknowledgment, but now Olympus's fate is nearly sealed with having no defenders except us. "We need to mobilize to defend Olympus," I stated


"We thwarted one plan," I said, "I highly doubt the Titan Lord is dumb enough to let the opportunity slip," I added.

Chiron once again resigned himself, "we have at least a day. They'll need to reorganize. Tomorrow we'll discuss movements."

"Training for today," I asked.

"And rest," Chiron said, "the Ares cabin needs it after back-to-back raids."

"Have the spoils been divided by Sherman?" I asked as I presume he was left back by Clarisse to do that.

"Yes," Chiron stated, "Michael isn't happy about it, but it is accepting it."

With that, I headed off to breakfast, then to training to take my mind off of what was coming. For the closer the day comes, the more I feel like I'm the child of the prophecy.


The day went by with Chiron informing the rest of the camp of the raid's success.

Though I was mostly out of it for the day, I haven't slept since yesterday morning. I made it through the day, somehow.

Though my dreams were whack.

Dream Percy: Sup, I'm back y'all

I looked around, knowing I was dreaming and pretty confident it is of current events. Observing that I was in a throne room, and not just any throne room, but the throne room of the Titan Lord.

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