Chapter 18: Iapetus the Titan Defector

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Percy's POV:

Zoë got us back to the encampment where I had the Pithos locked away in a nearby hotel's vault. I didn't want to risk temptation, so I just locked it away.

Clarisse and Annabeth were standing around the video shield, attempting to make a plan for the defense tonight.

"We should just blow the bridges and tunnels," Clarisse argued.

"We aren't trying to destroy the city," Annabeth said, "just hold it till the gods arrive."

"Percy, what should we do," Clarisse asked.

"Both plans have merits, but you're forgetting the domain of a certain Titan we are facing, Clarisse." I pointed out because he could just reverse any damage to one bridge and entirely focus on that crossing.

"Anyway, new subject," I stated. "WILL" I yelled, hoping for the resident head doctor to show up.

"What is it," He asked as he ran in.

"Can you get me two body diagram thingies that are for where the pain is?" I asked

He sighed and produced them. "Do I want to know why?" he asked.

"Nope," I answered, taking the diagrams.

I drew in everywhere I struck the titan lord thus far and labeled them front and back so I wouldn't get confused, nor anyone else for that matter.

"Percy, what are you doing," Clarisse asked.

I pinned the diagrams to a board. "Everywhere colored in is where the titan lord is immune," I answered.

"Your point being," Clarisse asked.

"It's useless to attack him there, and from this, we need to prioritize possibilities," I replied

"What not going to try everywhere else" Clarisse questioned

"It would waste time," I said. "Now, you all knew Luke better than I did. Where would he pick out of the remaining spots."

"Try the spine," Clarisse stated

"Lungs are possible. They're also one of the very few remaining normal fatal points," Zoë imputed

"Elsewhere on the head," Thalia said

Annabeth, however, was studying the diagram. "Can one of you get Will or Atalanta?" she asked.

"Uhhh, sure thing Beth" Thalia replied and left before she could get yelled at.

A few minutes later, Will and Atalanta came in, followed by Thalia. "You called Ms. Chase," they said.

"Hey, I'm your older sister," Atalanta said, turning to Will. "I'm the one who speaks" Will raised his hands in surrender.

"Where on here not colored in would be the hardest point to hit in battle," she asked.

Atalanta and Will walked over and looked at the diagram. "What type of weapon would they be holding, and what's their dominate side," Will asked

"Sword or Scythe and presumably right," Annabeth answered.

"Hmm," Atalanta hummed. "Many points can be hard to hit, center body mass where all the organs are on the front side if they have a good defense," She answered..."but if they are cocky with their defense, the armpit would be hard to hit. I would say even near impossible if you aren't under their guard and fail to get them to raise the arm."

"I concur with my sister," Will stated. "But why the interest."

"The titan Lord has the curse of Achilles," I answered.

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