Chapter 13: The Dusk Before the Dawn

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Percy's POV:

I left the big house with Thalia and Annabeth. Thankfully, my mother changed their clothes back to what they were wearing, as Thalia was wearing her favorite death to Barbie t-shirt. Last year she got me one for Christmas...but she stole it for a sleeping shirt the following week. I didn't mind, though. I expected it.

Oh, where were we? Ah, yes. So we left the big house to send the campers on their way. "How will you three, Silena, and the hunters be getting there," Michael asked.

"My sisters are running, and I'm going to flame travel with Annabeth and Thalia," I responded, "as for Silena, she is taking a pegasus."


"Silena is flying air cover, and we are activating plan 23," I answer.

"What's plan 23," Beckendorf asked, loading the last of his equipment into one of the vans.

"Activating the automatons in Manhattan," Annabeth replied

"Be careful. Automatons are dangerous if given poor instructions. Be as specific as possible." He warned.

Well, he isn't wrong about the dangerous part. The Colchis bulls from a few years back are automatons. A lot of campers were at risk of death when they attacked. Now they work for us. Beckendorf got what he needed to repair and reprogram the two, and Tyson did more than just make replacement horns. The big guy was able to get them down to the size of a deck of playing cards when not in use.

Oh yes. Sorry ADHD. "Alright, you two ready," I asked.

"Is this safe" Annabeth asked cautiously?

"Well, every time I've done it, I haven't lost anything," I said, intentionally leaving out that I have yet to travel more than 100 feet with this method.

"Ok," Annabeth said, grabbing on.

"Beats flying and traffic," Thalia shrugged.

I used flame travel to get us to New York, but we ended up at the hearth on Olympus. "Perseus," Hestia said

"Great, what did he do now," Annabeth asked, "Wait, I have all of me, right, Lady Hestia."

"Yes, you and Thalia are alright," Hestia confirmed. "My champion, however, shouldn't have over-exerted himself teleporting all three of you."

"So why are we here then, milady," I asked.

"To ensure you all will make it," Hestia explained. "I didn't want you three ending up in the rivers. Also, the hunters are arriving in 15, and the Ares cabin has finished setting up. Good luck, children."

"Thank you, Lady Hestia," Annabeth and Thalia replied.

"Thank you, milady," I said, only to hear Hestia quietly mumble for me to stop with the formalities business.

We left the throne room to go and join our friends down below Olympus. Upon exiting, we see that Olympus's magic wards were in full use as magical attacks were neigh constantly raining down on Olympus.

"I hope the wards hold," Annabeth stated

"It's Olympus. It would take more than one person attacking with magic to dent the wards," Thalia responded.

"I pray that you're correct, Thalia. If they can magically get behind our lines, it won't matter," Annabeth said

Come to think of it, she's right. If they could get behind us, it would be pointless. However, the wind gods are in charge of making sure no one can get to Olympus by air except the Olympians and a few other select gods.

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