The Bridge

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"Y'know, if you stopped crying you'd actually have friends at your birthday party" Michael antagonised Evan as he walked along the rails of the concrete bridge, his arms out keeping his balance perfectly.

"Leave me alone Michael, can't you? Just this once, on my birthday?" Evan begged looking as if he was once again about to start sobbing.

"Nah, I reckon' you'd love the birthday present I have for you!" Michael continued sarcastically implying he had something up his sleeve.

"Just leave me alone ok!" Evan without any thought pushed his arms out towards Michael, taking away Michael's perfect balance.

Michael quickly turned his body trying to latch on to the rail he was just standing on. His hands hit the rails but he wasn't strong enough to hold on, his hands slapped the graffiti filled concrete railing making him spin, and spin, and spin.


Evan ran up to the railing on the bridge, standing on the raised concrete holding the railing. He peaked over just to see his brother hit the ground.

"Michael!" Evan screamed, tears beginning forming in his eyes, making his vision blurry, what had he done? He had just pushed his brother off of a bridge.

Michael was face down underneath the bridge, his mask had slipped off landing before him, the sharp cheap metal whisker seemingly piercing him around or in the eye.

"DAD! HELP, Michael I-" Evan stuttered now his tears were creating rivers down his face.

The two boys had left William and Elizabeth to go ahead.

"Is Mikey being mean to you again bubba?" Elizabeth babbled, she walked towards Evan confused.

"Elizabeth!" William yelled "You are not allowed to just run off like that!"

"Dad! Micheal he, Uhm" Evan Stuttered.

"Oh my God, I told him to stop being so mean to you" William interrupted, "speaking of Michael, where has your brother gone?"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you! HE FELL OFF THE BRIDGE!" Evan screamed being to afraid of his father to tell the truth.

"Evan run to the house over there and ask if you can use their phone, call an ambulance" William said calmly, or at least he tried, there was definitely a look of panic on his face.

"Daddy why was Evan yelling? Where is Mikey?" Elizabeth asked confused.

Evan bolted across the rest of the bridge to the closest house there was and knocked on the door.

"Hello young man, how can I help you?" An old woman answered the door.

"I- I need Help! Could I use your phone?"

"Oh my! Of course, come in my phone is just over there!" The old lady replied, she saw the pure fear and worry in Evan's face, the woman felt like she didn't need to ask him for a reason, if one's face was soaked in tears and looks for worry something bad was definitely happening.

The mix of ambulance sirens and grief swirled together to create the worst feeling of sorrow one could ever feel.

Michael was gone...

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