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(There should probably be a TW for this chapter so here it is: TW)

Michael sat on the roof, curled up, his forehead laying on his knees. He felt so guilty for no reason, he hadn't done anything, at least not yet.

Evan drive home almost crying, he couldn't cry, it would make him crash. Evan wished he had died instead, then none of this would have happened.

'RING RING' Evan's phone buzzed, the contact name 'Lee Carel.'

"Great, now I'm getting called in for work" Evan remarks sarcastically as he continued to hold back tears.

Evan picks up the phone.

"Hey Evan! I hate to call you in on your birthday, but I was wondering if you could come in to work? There's a bit of an emergency."

"Hey Lee, I don't mind at all! I do need some distraction anyway."

"Thank you so much Evan! Your the best!" Lee hung up.

Evan turned the steering wheel, turning his car along with it.

He drives into the underground car park of a tall grey building, the sign: a florescent red cross.

Evan backs his car into his assigned parking bay, number 83. Evan always thought that number was rather ironic, as if everything that had to do with that number was always horrible.

"Hey Evan!" Lee had yelled from behind the reception while sorting out some paperwork.

"Hey Lee." Evan waved, walking in the door.

"Again I'm so sorry to call you In on your birthday it's just we need as many people as we can for this patient." Lee said almost panicked.

"Like I said Lee, it's alright, who is the patient?" Evan reassured him.

"His name is Mitchel Anderson, he was dared by his mates to jump off that bridge on St John Street, kiddos are so dumb these days" Lee's Australian accent stood out. This was nothing Lee nor Evan hadn't seen before.

"YOU DID THIS TO MY SON, YOU LITTLE-" the yelling of a woman cried out.

"Ah I see why you needed so many people." Evan remarked, no one, not even Lee who had worked at the hospital for 25 years wanted to deal with angry parents.

"Listen, we're sorry we didn't know he was actually going to do it!" 4 boys stood directly beside the door huddled against the wall.

"G'Evening , I'm Dr. Carel and this is my good friend Dr. Afton" Lee introduced, his Australian accent peeking through once again.

"Evening." Evan greets the room.

"Sir, Kindly tell these murderers to get out of my sons hospital room" the woman calmed her anger in front of the professionals.

"Ma'am I understand you are angry, I would be as well" Lee Shifts his eyes at the boys, still in the corner. "But there is no need to call them murderers, though you boys do need to leave."

The 4 boys scattered out of the room.

Mitchel was conscious.
"Hello Mitchel my name is Dr. Afton but you can call me Evan, I'll be taking care of you while your here." Evan smiled sincerely as Lee tried to calm down the upset mother.

"Hello..."  Mitchel murmurs, he seemed nervous, well he was obviously nervous he had just jumped off a bridge.

A few hours pass and at this point Lee is talking to Mitchel's mother, who is still panicking.

"You seemed to have landed pretty well, you've got pretty minor injuries for a fall that long" Evan looked over Mitchel's charts.
At this point most of the patients in the hospital has fallen asleep and all the day staff had gone home.
Evan left Mitchel's hospital room to find a certain dead brother awaiting him in the lobby.

"Oh- what are you doing here?" Evan questioned.

"Wow, rude, not even a hello?" Michael joked "nah it's alright, so uhm- I came to apologise for tonight."

"Huh, I'm sorry what?" Evan stated stunned Michael never apologised, not sincerely at least, the only times Evan had heard an apology from Michael was when William forced him to.

"You heard me, I'm sorry alright." He repeated, "I'm sorry for being a horrible brother and I'm sorry for teasing you with those stupid masks and I'm sorry for all of it."

"Oh, I'm sorry I just didn't expect an apology coming from you out of all people" Evan shamed his head breaking his stare at Michael.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I accept your apology and I'm sorry for yelling at you and y'know pushing you off a bridge." Evan returns the apology.

"Apology accepted for the first bit, might have to think about the second bit." Michael teases.

"Understandable, ok! Now back to the patient." Evan talked to himself.
He walked back into the patients room after grabbing some paperwork signed by Mitchel's mother, Michael flies behind Evan.

"Who is that?" Mitchel looks at Michael who is hovering behind Evan, peaking his head over Evan's shoulder.

"Wait, you can see him?" Evan's face makes a confused looking expression.

"I'm not supposed to?"

"No, your not, I'm a ghost" Michael comments.

"Oh-" Mitchel lays stunned in the hospital bed. "Well I've had enough things happen to me today, I'm probably just seeing things.

"Right, why weren't you asleep before it's like 1am?" Evan asks concerned.

"Well, I wasn't tired." Mitchel rolls over to face the beeping heart monitor attached to him.

"How'd you manage to jump off a bridge and not be tired?" Evan seemed more concerned by the second.

Mitchel didn't answer, he fell asleep almost instantly.

"Guess he was tired" Evan says to himself.

Lee peeks around the corner of the door, "Hey Evan, your free to leave, all the Night Shift people are here, thanks for helping me with that."

"It's all good Lee, thanks for loosing in that game of rock, paper, scissors so I didn't have to talk to the mother." Evan jokes

"You alway win, I don't know how, it's a game of chance, you must be cheating." Lee jokingly suspects.

"How dare you accuse me of cheating, you just always choose paper." Evan sarcastically gets offended.

"Yea, yea, sure, goodnight Evan! Hope you had a good birthday."

"Night Lee"

Watching Mitchel laying in that hospital bed reminded him of when Michael laid on one of those beds, though lifeless. All the emotions in that hospital on a day that was supposed to be full of celebration and happiness.

Evan was still incredibly confused on why Mitchel could see Michael but no one else could, could it have been something to do with that bridge?

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