All good things must come to an end

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It had been a couple of months since Michael mysterious appeared again.

It was nice Evan thought, a happy ending, but he had learnt from his father that happy endings don't happen, that was what was stressing him out.

After Michael died Evan's mental health began decreasing, but when he moved out and came to terms with the fact it was an accident he began getting better.

But now, with Michael back, the guilt came rushing back to his heart. It hurt, it hurt that he was the reason Michael missed his entire life.

"Evan! Come look!" Elizabeth yelled in excitement. Childish giggles filled the house.

"Yea?" Evan looked over to see Michael spinning around Anne who was giggling her little head off and had just begun walking.

"Rah! You can't get me!" Michael grinned as he continued twirling around the giggling baby.

"Michael? What are you doing?" Evan questioned.

"I assumed it was Michael." Elizabeth commented.

"I found out this kid can see me, so I've been cheering it up." Michael continued spinning.

"Anne can see you?" Evan asked.

"Anne can see Michael?" Elizabeth queered.

"Yea apparently," Evan replied, "and Michael, Anne is not an it, she has a name."

"Okay, okay' Michael continued spinning.


"Gah!" Michael flinched.

"It's okay, calm down, it's just thunder and rain." Evan reassures.

"Yea, rain, that could murder me." Michael replies with irony.

Elizabeth picks up Anne to calm her down as she began sobbing.

"I'm going to go now, bye Evan, bye Michael!" Elizabeth grabs her things and an umbrella, still holding Anne and heads out the door to her car.

It was getting late, around 8pm and Michael was simply going back and forth through a wall as he did when he was bored.
Evan sat in the couch daydreaming, he never grew out of that faze, ever since he was a little kid he would imagine all his plushies would talk to him, once he stayed up all night for a week because of dreams or nightmares, though they did seem incredibly real. His daydream seemed a lot more sad than usual though.

As Evan slowly zoned back into the real world he watched Michael stare at the front door, almost as if he was hypnotised.

Michael started slowly walking towards the front door, like a zombie.

"Michael? Are you okay?" Evan stood up off the couch and called out for Michael.

Michael said nothing and went through the door.

Evan's feeling of worry began escalating quickly. "Michael!"

Evan opens the door and rushes through catching up to Michael. The rain had stopped but there was a large chance it would come back so he had to get Michael inside fast.

Evan ran after Michael but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to knock Michael out of this trance he was in.

They kept walking, Evan continued to try and snap Michael back into reality. They passed their old house and then Michael stopped, he stood back on the bridge, directly in the middle, just standing straight staring over the edge of the bridge.

Evan pulled out his phone, unfolded it, so that he could see the screen and press the semi-worn off buttons, he then frantically looked through his lists of contacts, clicking the down button until he got to Elizabeth and called her.

"Elizabeth help, it's Michael, I don't know what's going on!" Evan yelled, he looked up, around 150 meters away (around 495ft) was a dark grey cloud and with it, the sounds of rain falling onto the road beneath it.

"Quick Elizabeth hurry!" Tears began streaming down Evan's face.

"I'm on my way right now Evan, calm down it's going to be okay." Elizabeth reassured, though she wasn't sure if it was going to be okay, she didn't even have any idea what was going on.

Luckily Elizabeth didn't live to far away so she got there almost instantly, but almost instantly was almost to late.

"Evan? What's going on? Why is Michael just standing there? The rain is right there we have to get him out of here!"

Evan was speechless, it was as if he was trying to yell, to scream but his throat was all clogged up.

A drop of rain landed on Evan's head, it dripped down is forehead and combined with his tears. Then more, more rain, it was fast.

Michael turned to look at his younger siblings, he smiled, it wasn't a sinister smile like their father, or a mean smile he used to give them, it was an apologetic smile, a sincere, loving smile.

"Michael? Michael!" Evan ran, towards Michael, he ran faster that he had ever ran before.

"I'm sorry Evan." Michael continued to smile as he began smoking up.

"Michael no! You can't to this to me again, please!" Evan reached out his arms, hugging his brother.

One last time...

Elizabeth stared, she saw the smoke, she saw all the faint colours, the greys, the peaches, the blues.

Evan's hands slowly fell through the smoke, he fell into his knees.

It happened again...
The same person, on the same bridge, with the same person.
Once again, it was all Evan's fault.

Elizabeth rushed over, her body finally allowed her to move from the frozen position she was stuck in on the side of the bridge. She hugged Evan.

Tears began running down Elizabeth's face, she wasn't normally a big crier, but this was needed.

The two sat in the middle of the bridge, both sobbing and soaked in the rain. God had taken their brother again.

"Again?!" Evan screamed at the top of his lungs. "AGAIN? You're doing this to me again?" He looked up and the grey clouds.

The siblings were never into too much religion although their father was Catholic, Evan felt this was the time he believed in this God his father spoke of.

Momento Mori, 'Remember that you must die.' Evan remembered as he sat crying on the ground.

Their father was right for once.

"Momento Mori" Evan told himself out loud.

"Hm?" Elizabeth lifted her head up.

"Momento Mori," Evan repeated.

"Oh that's the old saying dad used to tell us isn't it? What does it even mean?"

"Remember that you must die."

"Right father was always morbid."

"No Elizabeth you don't get it, this whole thing with Michael, it was never supposed to happen." Evan realises.

"What? What do you mean?" Elizabeth asks confused.

"Elizabeth, that ghost I saw, that wasn't Michael." Evan's eyes widen with realisation.

"But you saw him? He was there?"

"Well it was Michael, but not the alive Michael that we knew, it was a different version of him." Evan stated. "When he began remembering more he started referring to himself when he was alive in third person, it wasn't him."

"Evan, I don't understand anything you are saying, today has been a really long day maybe you should go rest." Elizabeth's face began to blur, it was as if someone scratched it.

Then his hands, then his knees and legs, then the whole bridge and then the whole city.

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