Old Memories & Limbo

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"Evan!" A thirteen year old Elizabeth searched for her brother. "Where are you!?"

Evan sat with the top of his head on his knees leaning on the first pillar of the bridge. He sat sobbing, he knew it had been 8 years since Michael died but he, he still felt guilty.

"Evan?" Elizabeth made her way down the steep grassy hill beside the beginning of the bridge. "Are you okay?"

Evan said nothing. Elizabeth walked over and sat beside him cross legged.

"It's about Michael isn't it?" Elizabeth assumed.

"Mhm" Evan's voice broke as he nodded, his head still stuffed in his knees.

The two sat for a few minutes until Elizabeth broke the silence.

"Hey Ev," she said, "do you remember the amusement park?"

"Hm?" Evan lifted his head from his knees, his eyes red from the tears.

"Yea! When we went to the amusement park and the ride stopped in the middle of it!" Elizabeth recalled.

"Oh yea, I remember that."

"Mhm! Mhm! And then you sat in the middle of me and Michael and cried!" Elizabeth continued.

"Wow, you didn't have to say it like that." Evan elbowed Elizabeth.

"Am I wrong?" Elizabeth elbowed Evan back.

"Well, no, but that was still mean." Evan joked.

Elizabeth stud up.
"Of course, someone had to take Michael's job" She Bowed, showing sarcasm.

"Oh no, you didn't!" Evan stood up.

"Oh yes I did!"

"Hmm," Evan tried to uncover another old memory. "Oh! Do you remember the Riva Trolls?" He poked fun at his father's accent as they did when they were younger.

"Oh my god! The Riva Trolls!" Elizabeth replied.

"Yea! When we used to go camping and we had the blow up mattress with the hole in it!" Evan laughed.

"And we rode it down the river and Michael tried to knock us off!" Elizabeth matched Evan's laugh. "Michael the Riva Troll!"

"Yea! And then we all fell asleep watching the stars and meteor-shower..." Evan continued.

"And we woke up stuck in the deflated mattress!" Elizabeth jumped up and down.

"And," Evan giggled, "Michael was covered in mosquito bites!"

"Yea! I miss that a lot." Elizabeth frowned bringing the mood back down.

"Miss what? Michael being eaten alive or being pushed into a river?" Evan tried to bring the mood back up.

"Yea..." Elizabeth clapped her hands. "Well! Father is ordering dinner and he wants to know what you wanted, so go tell him and then you can go back to being emo."

"I'm not emo Beth." Evan crossed his arms dramatically.

"If not emo, then you may go back to being a crybaby." Elizabeth joked.

The two walked walked back to the house as they laughed about more funny old memories.

It was infinite, no matter how fast or far he ran he couldn't get home. Michael ran, and ran but he could never escape that dreaded bridge. Was it hell? Did God hate him? What did he do to for him to be trapped in this infinite path of bridge.

Was he really stupid enough to stand on the rail of a high bridge? Yes, yes he was, that's how he got here in the first place.

It was hopeless, he was helpless, he was never going to get out of there.

Inescapable that's how he described it. The long road unwound itself before his eyes. He was alone, no matter how far he walked, alone. No one was coming for him, not Elizabeth, not his father, not even Evan, who had, no, it wasn't Evan's fault, it was his. Inescapable that was it.

He counted the days on the walls of the bridge, a ridged hole in which Michael had tried to hack himself out of the prison he was encased in.

The mix of emotions Michael had was confusing, he was upset but angry and trapped and tired all at the same time, like a giant tornado inside his mind.

'Memento Mori' thats what his dad always told them, 'Remember that you will die.' Michael didn't think much of it, other than it was a weird thing to say to 5, 8 and 15 year olds. But now, he understood why his father said it so much, 'Memento Mori;' do not waste life doing pointless things, it will end and you will regret all the things you missed.

That's how Michael felt, he wasted his life, he wasted it doing useless things like... like being a horrible brother.

"God damn it" he whispered to himself. He never got to genuinely apologise. He never got to say goodbye, to anyone, to no one at all.

And now he was stuck, on an infinite inescapable bridge full of regret and fear.

Michael was scared, he hated being alone, it was the worst thing to him. He was scared no one would remember him and that they would just forget.

'Memento Mori'
'Remember that you will die'

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