Chapter 11: Nice to Meet You

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She tapped her fingers rapidly on the glass table. Why did I agree to this? Taylor glances looking for... someone. She did not have the slightest clue what her stepmother would look like. Her father even fails to tell Taylor a name. Without any distinguishing features she all the people hurrying along the sidewalk blurred together.

The phone vibrated against the dress. Incoming call from: Father

Taylor pursed her lips. What does he want? "Hello?" She answered cautiously.

"Taylor," his voice was formal. "Your mom," You mean stepmother, my mom is dead. She mentally corrected him. "Would like to meet you at the on Second Street at three. " and he hung up.

She looked at her phone; the time read 3:13. Did I go to the right place at the right? Is she running late? Taylor was getting anxious and unsure yet she did not dare call her father for more information nor did she wish to bother Damien or any other staff. I'll wait until 3:20.

Several people entered an exited the café. A few gave the blonde girl siting at the empty table for two with that appeared to have no work an odd glance. Luckily, the family run café did not receive as many people as a Starbucks would, so Taylor did not feel as awkward sitting alone. At 3:17 a women tapped on Taylor's shoulder. Her blue eyes glance at the person.

"Taylor?" Her woman's voice was unsure. Taylor nodded and the woman smiled. "My name is Lauren. It's nice to finally meet you." Lauren sat across from Taylor. So, this is whom my dad married. The woman, Lauren had shoulder length brown hair and eyes that matched. "I'm sorry for being late; I got stuck traffic."

"It's okay." Taylor shifted in seat not quite sure what else to say. Lucky Lauren was able to fill in the silence.

She filled Taylor in on the wedding ceremony; if you could call it that. It was basically just Lauren, Scott the priest, and witness who was a friend of Scott. "I didn't mind it actually. This was my second wedding and I really didn't mind that it very low key."

She then told Taylor about her son, Taylor's stepbrother, James. "James is a little older than you. I'm sorry he couldn't come; he is finishing up his semester abroad. He should be home in July. He said for me to tell you 'hi' and than he looks forward to meeting you soon."

"What's he studying?"

"Business management and accounting. There really was no need for him to go abroad, but we grew up in a small town and he saw it as an opportunity to see the world." I wonder what Austin would have studied.

Lauren continued to tell Taylor of family and background. Yet, she said nothing of how she meet Scott or their decision to marry.

"Well," Lauren said, "that's enough of my ramblings. Please tell me about yourself." Her smile was warm and comforting, yet Taylor felt even more uneasy. What do I tell her? Taylor bit her lip "Um..."

"It's alright. Just tell me whatever you want. Honestly Scott hasn't really told me much about you. Other than you name, age, and physical description. There might have a been one tid-bit of information in there though."

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